Colds in the summer: how to catch it and why (still) so widespread

by time news

Sneezing, runny nose, malaise: these are the classic symptoms of a cold that spares no one, even in summer, although we usually associate this condition, as well as fever, with the coldest climate. Let’s try to understand what can be the causes of summer colds and if, as many are asking, the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic and its variants play a role in any way with the help of Fabrizio Pregliasco virologist at the State University of Milan and medical director of the Irccs Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio hospital. (Continue under the photograph)

What causes the cold?To a virus, one of more than 260 viruses in circulation that cause colds: con a sneezing alone releases about 10 thousand germs into the air. But just think that the rhinovirus alone, responsible for the so-called common cold (stuffy nose), in turn has 90 subtypes. They are not “bad” viruses, but they are easy to catch. In fact, the common cold is the most common seasonal infectioneven if it does not disdain any period of the year: it is estimated that adults get sick on average at least a couple of times a year and children from 4 to 8 times.

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