Cole calls for candidacy for the board of directors of Bank Hapoalim

by time news

The Public Committee for the Appointment of Directors in Banking Corporations, operating under section 36A of the Banking (Licensing) Law, 1981 (hereinafter – the Committee), addresses the public and hereby announces the possibility of submitting applications for appointment as a director of Bank Hapoalim Ltd. (hereinafter – the Bank) .

In accordance with the Bank’s announcement to the Committee, it will be possible to elect four directors at the Bank’s General Meeting to be held during 2022: one director as an external director under the Companies Law, 1999 (hereinafter – the Companies Law), who meets the eligibility requirements Proper banking management in the matter of “Board of Directors” No. 301 (hereinafter – Directive 301), one director in the capacity of an external director in accordance with Directive 301, and two directors in the capacity of a director who is not an external director.

As for the qualifications of the candidates for the position of director, it is requested as follows:

At least two of the candidates proposed by the committee will be women;

A number of candidates will be nominated to increase the chances that the general meeting will appoint at least two directors with proven knowledge and experience in the fields of information technology (IT), who will have experience and knowledge in infrastructure and core systems, or in cloud and cyber technology, or fintech, financial applications and non-banking solutions;

All candidates proposed by the committee will have accounting and financial expertise or have business or managerial or academic experience.

All candidates proposed by the committee will have the skills and ability to make a significant contribution to the work of the board of directors, outlining strategy and policy and fulfilling its roles in the areas of supervision and control.

A questionnaire form for submitting applications is posted on the Bank of Israel website at:

The questionnaire, together with the signed declaration and the additional accompanying documents, must be referred to the committee in accordance with the guidelines page at the beginning of the questionnaire no later than December 20, 2021.

It should be emphasized that in accordance with the procedure of the committee’s procedures, the committee may, in addition to publishing this notice to the public, at its discretion and in accordance with the procedure determined, address people from the public and offer them to apply for the position.

Care must be taken to obtain approval in a return e-mail from the committee for the receipt of the application documents for their appendices, no later than the deadline for submitting applications.


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