Collaboration among healthcare providers is a crucial trend for the patient

by time news

Groningen – If we look at the trends among dietitians, we see that there have been many developments in recent times. For example, more and more emphasis is being placed on a personal approach and the importance of a healthy diet in relation to various diseases and disorders.

In addition, there is more attention for sustainability and plant-based nutrition.

Another trend is the use of technology to support dieticians in making nutritional recommendations. Think, for example, of apps and online tools with which clients can keep track of their nutrition and where dietitians gain insight into nutritional intake and any shortages or surpluses.

But perhaps the most important trend is the collaboration between dieticians and other healthcare providers, such as general practitioners, physiotherapists and psychologists. By working together more intensively and advising each other, patients can be helped better and achieve results that would otherwise not be possible.

A company that has well understood this trend of collaboration is Samen Sterk. Samen Sterk is a network organization of healthcare providers throughout the Netherlands who jointly want to provide optimal care to their patients. Dieticians are also part of this. They work together with other healthcare providers within the network, including general practitioners, physiotherapists, psychologists and specialists. Looking for a dietician in Groningen or a dietician in Doetinchem? Then visit the website of

Through this collaboration, good and personal care can be offered, with the client at the center. Clients are seen as unique and their individual situation is taken as a starting point when drawing up a treatment plan. This treatment plan is then drawn up in consultation with all healthcare providers involved.

Together Strong stands for integrated care; all aspects of health are included in the treatment. This not only looks at physical health, but also at mental health, sociality and environmental factors.

Dietitians affiliated with Samen Sterk have daily contact with other healthcare providers and also have access to the latest insights and developments in the field of nutrition and health.

In short, the trend of cooperation between healthcare providers is something that dietitians can no longer ignore. Companies such as Samen Sterk show that good cooperation between care providers can lead to optimal care for the patient. And that is ultimately what matters: the health and well-being of the patient.


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