Collagen: between myth and reality

by time news

2023-08-29 22:49:18

Healthy lifestyle

After a certain age, this protein is lost as part of the aging process. How do we know when we need it and what type to consume?

Lush, glowing skin, healthy and pain-free joints…the panacea for youth that from the age of 30 begins to slip like water through your fingers, slowly but surely, with imprecise signs that become visible when you turn 40. A situation that one day catches us trying to buy collagen powder or pills that some influencer in his twenties (or not so much) who proposes to us. What is true in all this? Do we really need to take collagen, or is there a lot of myth behind the fabulous marketing?

As Aby María, a pharmacist specializing in supplements, explains, “collagen is a protein that occupies 30% of our body, and 75% of our skin, therefore, it is very important, but beware that there are many myths…

– What are some of them?

That many of the investigations that support their benefits are carried out by the same industries that sell them. Therefore, from that side, it generates doubts. The other aspect to take into account is that we actually make the collagen ourselves, so we really have to see who needs it and who doesn’t.

– Does age influence in this sense?

Totally since as we age, the production of collagen decreases. Collagen is such a large protein that our body produces it, but it cannot always absorb it, we must know when we are in deficit.

What are we buying when we buy collagen?

Actually, they are selling us amino acids, collagen peptides that I can also consume with food, what happens is that as we grow we lose it…

– How can we know if we are in deficit?

Understanding that, from the age of 30, we do not produce the same amount or quality of collagen. Hence the importance, if necessary, of consuming these amino acids. Ideally it should be hydrolyzed collagen or food. However, without a certain vitamin it does not work…

– Which is it?

Vitamin C is in charge of acting on the reaction of those collagen peptides that we consume to generate collagen, without it it does not work.

Does the body show signs?

From the most aesthetic part, the body is marking the lines of expression, lack of luminosity, etc. Joints, tendons that hurt and the appearance of arthritis or osteoarthritis among other manifestations. The important thing is that you take quality hydrolyzed collagen that contains vitamin C, otherwise it won’t work.

– How to know if a collagen is of quality?

You have to read the composition, this is essential. That it does not contain a lot of sugar, or flavorings, or excipients and that it does contain additives such as vitamins or antioxidants because they work as a team to enhance themselves, otherwise I am not going to absolve it accordingly.

– Are there contraindications?

You have to control how my kidneys are processing it, with a urine control after a few months we can define that issue.

The professional was with the Cada Día team, look at the note

#Collagen #myth #reality

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