Collective heating: 6 tips to apply urgently to reduce the bill

by time news

2023-10-22 07:00:14

Government communication has been much more discreet on encouraging energy sobriety. Of course, the risk of power cuts is perhaps a little less, but the budgetary constraints of French households are greater than ever. All the more reason to apply some common sense instructions but also to discover certain information which can lead to significant savings in co-ownership.

1 Delay the start of the heating season

Traditionally, the reference point is mid-October but nothing prevents you from starting a little later. Moreover, public authorities are tending to encourage major donors to postpone until November 1st. It’s always a gamble, there may be some really cold first days, but 15 days of savings is not negligible.

2 Heat to the right temperature, at the right time and in the right place

Failing to apply them to the letter, you should always know the government recommendations for setting the heating: 19°C during the day and 16°C at night or when you are not on site. “The main thing is to look at a comfortable temperature in the living room, 20 or 21°C and to lower it elsewhere in the house,” recommends Emmanuel Croc, president of the Ocea group, a company specializing in energy efficiency. And nothing prevents us from still being at lower temperatures when we are away.” And if the heating is programmable, it is obviously necessary to anticipate and program as closely as possible to the needs.

3 Equip yourself with thermostatic faucets

It is the most accessible investment to optimize your heating. Count around 75 euros for a simple thermostatic faucet allowing you to precisely set your temperature. For a faucet connected locally via Bluetooth and controllable when you are next to the installation, it costs around a hundred euros. And finally, the fully connected version with a central unit coordinating everything and a system that can be controlled remotely from anywhere with your smartphone, will cost you around 140 euros per radiator. The opportunity to deal with all the unexpected: sudden change in temperature, professional schedule that changes at the last minute… “And to optimize all of this, I remind you that as a common sense measure, we must avoid the presence of objects, furniture or sofas near the radiators to optimize their radiation, underlines Emmanuel Croc. And having a small probe, even a very simple thermometer, to measure room temperatures is always very useful.” To motivate the most hesitant, this boss specifies that one degree less means 7% of the bill amount disappears… Enough to push the most hesitant to action.

4 Do you know about mud removal?

Here again, the investment is not ruinous. Allow between half a day and a day of work for a heating engineer to carry out this famous sludge removal. Concretely, this involves passing water under high precision through the circuit to eliminate the sludge and impurities which clog the heaters, significantly reducing their efficiency. “In an average co-ownership of around thirty lots, the bill should not exceed around thirty euros per co-owner,” estimates Emmanuel Croc. We recommend carrying out this operation at least every two years.”

5 Consider individualizing heating costs

Mandatory, this individualization which involves the installation of measuring boxes on the heaters is still in the minority. “This is the heart of our business and allows everyone to know their consumption, recalls Emmanuel Croc. But above all, it creates a form of accountability and involvement of everyone. This allows us to claim an average reduction in our customers’ energy consumption of 17%.” He believes that by monitoring their consumption step by step, users of these boxes are then better aware of the need to insulate their co-ownership, install thermostatic taps or change their windows. Furthermore, the installation of these probes also allows you to produce an annual report to situate your consumption in relation to that of your neighbors or the average household.

6 Hot water, another source of savings

Negligible, the consumption of the water heater? Nay! “Traditionally in old homes, domestic hot water only accounts for 20% of the bill, but in recent homes that are very well insulated and consume little, this can go up to 70%”, recalls Emmanuel Croc. Result: reducing hot water consumption is a serious option. The shower is obviously to be preferred over the bath and it is better that it is short. But the most painless change is to equip yourself with a flow regulator or foamer. Water consumption can thus fall from 18 liters per minute to 6 liters. And if you want to stay at an optimum of 9 liters per minute to maintain the feeling of being wet (and not just receive air), consumption and the bill remain halved. And at this same domestic hot water station, heat-insulating (insulating the pipes) of the pipes is always a good operation. In fact, this work is often subsidized almost entirely by the Energy Saving Certificate mechanism and makes it possible to avoid heat loss; Especially in condominiums where the pipes pass through very cold parts of the building, such as parking lots.

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