Colliguay sect: the macabre real case portrayed by Antares de la Luz: the sect of the end of the world – 2024-05-02 23:32:47

by times news cr

2024-05-02 23:32:47

Ramón Castillo Gaete adopted that name before leading the Antares de la Luz, the sect of the end of the world: when the Chilean Netflix documentary is released
– 2024-04-13 13:56:42″>Colliguay Sect, an organization that sacrificed a baby by burning it alive.

A success since its premiere in Netflix has been the documentary Antares of Light: the sect of the end of the worldwhich tells the story of Ramón Castillo Gaete, the leader of the Colliguay Sect who committed suicide in May 2013, after being wanted by the police for leading the murder of a newborn as part of a ritual to save himself from the end of the world which was supposed to take place on December 21, 2012.

Born in Santiago on December 20, 1977, after leaving school he studied music pedagogy. At that same time he began to distance himself from his family. and became involved in issues of mysticism and alternative medicine.

After a trip to China in 2006, the name was changed to Antares de la Luzwith which he would later be known.

Owner of a strong personality and charisma, Castillo He began to present himself as a reincarnation of Jesus. Thus, in 2009 he created what would later be known as the Colliguay Sect.

Antares de la Luz: the crime of the sect that shook the country

The leader of the Colliguay Sect initiated his followers into the consumption of the hallucinogenic drug called ayahuasca and held sessions that included the sacrifice of animals.

Between 2010 and 2012 they lived in Olmué, San José de Maipo, Concón and Quilpué. It was in this last commune that the crime that shook the entire country occurred.

It all started on November 21, 2012, when the member of the sect, Natalia Guerra Jequier, gave birth to a child in Viña del Mar.

Just two days later, On November 23, in the town of Colliguay, Antares de la Luz sacrificed the little boy in a rite with which the group was supposed to be saved from the imminent end of the world.which according to a Mayan prophecy would occur on December 21, 2012. To do so, He burned the baby alive in the company of his followers.

After this brutal murder, some of its followers left the group, which moved to San Francisco de Mostazal.

Fugitive from justice

In April 2013, the case became known through the press and the search for Antares de la Luz began. in the country. And when the days passed and he didn’t appear, Peru joined the searchsince ayahuasa was brought to Chile from there.

Precisely in that country the end of the leader of the Colliguay Sect occurred. On May 1, 2013, he committed suicide by hanging himself in a house in the city of Cusco, when he was 35 years old..

Of his followers, only two of the members served prison time for the murder of the newborn. One was his mother, Natalia Guerra, who was sentenced to five years in prisonof which he only served four and was released on parole in 2021.

The other was Pablo Undurraga, who received the same sentence and was also conditionally released in 2021.

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