Colombia: delivery of four soldiers in Cauca

by time news

“We participated in this release, as a neutral intermediary, at the request of the parties involved and with a strictly humanitarian purpose. Indeed, international humanitarian law contains the obligation to protect people who do not participate or who have ceased to participate in hostilities “The ICRC is willing to facilitate other operations that help mitigate the humanitarian consequences that persist in Colombia,” said Kian Abbassian, head of the ICRC sub-delegation in Cali.

After verifying that the soldiers were in good health, the ICRC staff transferred them to another area.

“We thank all bearers of weapons for respecting our neutral humanitarian work. Our access to the areas most affected by armed conflict and violence is essential so that we can help, impartially and independently, the people who suffer from this reality” Abbasian added.

In 2023, the ICRC received 8 people who were in the hands of armed groups. These operations were possible due to the bilateral and confidential dialogue that the institution maintains with all the armed actors.

media contact

Lorraine HoyosICRC, Bogota
Public relations officer
Telephone: +57 310 221 81 33
Email: [email protected]


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