Colombia | Retake the path of the National Strike

by time news

2023-07-14 23:31:27

It has become clear that the government’s concertation policy has only served for the bourgeoisie to block any possibility of reforms.


On the contrary, they are going on the offensive with Uribismo playing the leading role, making scandals unleashed by infiltrators that Petro willingly accepted since the electoral campaign, such as Armando Benedetti, and thus distracting the discussion from the reforms and transferring the point of attention to these scandals to weaken the government and recover the ground they lost with the social mobilization of recent years, which unfortunately was diverted to the electoral and parliamentary field, leaving social mobilization aside.

Independent government mobilization

The leaderships of the workers unions have abandoned the mobilization and have dedicated themselves to waiting for the social reforms to be approved in the corrupt congress, knowing that only cut reforms will come from there that will be of little use to the workers. Even what this mostly right-wing congress, which represents the cattle ranchers, drug traffickers and businessmen, can approve is counter-reforms, as is happening with the “pension reform”.

Conquer our own reforms

The reforms that the twenty-five million workers that make up the labor force, plus the peasantry and indigenous peoples, need for a real change in living conditions, cannot be elaborated at the same table with those on the other shore, with the capitalist class that brings together landowners, ranchers, drug traffickers and businessmen, which is the class that dispossesses the land, territories and the production of the workers. We must elaborate the reforms in a national meeting of labor and social organizations and conquer them in the street with a stoppage of production and blockade of services. The workers and the dispossessed population can endure several days enduring if there is a shortage, but it will not be many days because the businessmen will not endure the paralysis of accumulating their profits for even a couple of days.

The strikes of 2019 and 2021 demanded a change to face the social crisis, which implies taking radical measures: agrarian reform, recovering the land expropriated by landowners, ranchers and drug traffickers to hand it over to the peasantry and return the territories to indigenous peoples; distribute work to end unemployment; guarantee health, education, housing and public services financed with the taxes paid by the population, and at the same time force the rich and multinationals to pay the taxes that correspond to them; guarantee democratic freedoms and as part of this the dismantling of Esmad; reduce looting by those who are recognized as “foreign investors”; and defend national sovereignty from imperialist intervention by dismantling its military bases and failing to pay the fraudulent foreign debt, among others.

With a radical agrarian reform, the dirty war carried out by paramilitary gangs and drug traffickers can be reduced; By distributing the work among the entire working population with a maximum weekly shift of 36 hours, theft, robbery and many deaths would be reduced; With the nationalization of public service companies and creating state companies that are in charge of public works and food distribution, that work with the control of the workers, corruption would be eliminated and more than 50 billion pesos would be lost per year. anus; With the non-payment of the external debt, not only would money be left for social investment and industrialization, but a mechanism of intervention and extortion by imperialism would be attacked, through which it defines and controls the economic plans of governments.

If they don’t discuss the sheets we must stop

The businessmen do not want to discuss the list of requests and they limit themselves to delaying so that the negotiation goes to the Court of Arbitration. It is no coincidence so much coincidence in different companies. Businessmen are organized in their unions and surely they have defined that policy. In that case, we workers have no alternative but to unite forces and block production and services.

The businessmen have not only sought to block the modest social reform projects that the Petro government has presented. In the companies they are also blocking the negotiation of the list of requests. In many cases they do not even allow the installation of the negotiation table.

In value transport companies such as Brinks, TVS, Atlas and Prosegur, workers have had to block the service for several hours so that the right to unionize workers is respected and the list of demands is negotiated. But this task cannot be the responsibility of the workers in that sector today, unionized in Sinaltravalores. The unity and solidarity of the workers of the other sectors of production and services is necessary.

#Colombia #Retake #path #National #Strike

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