Colonos: With his head bowed, Michos heard the life sentence – The mother is released from prison (VIDEO)

by time news

Ilias Michos left the courts with his head bowed. The 55-year-old was sentenced to life for the rape of the 12-year-old girl and an additional 27 years in prison (20 is suspended) for the crimes of abuse of a minor who has not reached the age of 14, for pornography of a minor, for pimping and for illegal possession of weapons.

In addition, the 55-year-old was also fined 4,100 euros.

In fact, when Ilias Michos left the courtroom, some people booed him with the police quickly leading him out of the Court of Appeal, while applause broke out just before the curtain fell on the trial of the Colonos case for the 17 convicted as clients of the minor or as possessors child pornography hearing the presiding judge of the Joint Jury announce that they are being granted a stay pending appeal.

Earlier, however, the court had imposed the following sentences on them: 7 years imprisonment for four of those who were found more than once with the minor, 6 years imprisonment for five defendants who were found with her once, 5 years imprisonment for three defendants who they considered the 12-year-old to be older, three years in prison for two convicted and four years for one for attempted sexual act and finally 13 and 15 months in prison respectively for two accused for pornography.

The court had not recognized any mitigating circumstances for the 55-year-old owner of a mini market in Sepolia. He did not recognize mitigating circumstances either to the so-called “Michalis”, nor, however, to the mother of the 12-year-old. “Mihalis” was found guilty of the offenses of aggravated pimping and child pornography and was additionally fined 2,500 euros.

It is about a retired sailor, who booked the dates of the horror in the minor. According to the evidence in the case file, he encouraged the child to have sexual intercourse for a fee with his alleged friends and promoted her to prostitution by “uploading” her nude photos on an online page. At the same time, they promised the girl big profits if she entered “the thick circles” by meeting “shipmen and moneymen”, making “visits to shacks” and participating in erotic movies! The sentence reserved to him by the court was 18 years in prison.

At the same time, the 38-year-old mother of the minor, who was found guilty only of the misdemeanor of extortion against the ex-wife of Ilias Michos, will be released from prison immediately – most likely within the day – and was acquitted by the majority of the jury of the crimes of pimping at the expense of her own daughter but also for pornography. She was sentenced to 20 months in prison, but has already spent 18 months in prison on remand. In other words, he has served the entire sentence required by law to be released from prison. So Ilias Michos and “Mihalis” are the only ones out of the total of 20 convicts who will be in prison.

The suspensions

The remaining 17 convicts, however, who were granted probation, judges and juries recognized the mitigating factor of their legal life and this contributed to their more favorable criminal treatment, which resulted in the granting of probation until the appeal with restrictive conditions (ban on leaving the country and appearing before the police department for some) but also guarantees in two of them.

It is noteworthy, however, that with yesterday’s decisions on the mitigating factors and the granting of suspension until the appeal to the 17 who were convicted as clients of the minor and also for possession of pornographic material, the court accepted the corresponding proposals of the district attorney. Something that did not happen with the decision on guilt pronounced by the court at least for Ilias Michos and the mother of the minor. It is recalled that for the 55-year-old the prosecutor had requested, among other things, his exemption due to doubts about the crime of rape, while on the contrary for the mother of the child she had requested her guilt for the felonies as well.

Finally, it should be noted that the curtain of this much-lauded trial, which was held behind closed doors, fell at… five minutes before the end of Ilias Michos’ 18-month sentence. In fact, it is not excluded that in the coming months a new second trial for the Kolonos case will follow, as another case file with nine defendants whom the minor has allegedly identified as her abusers is pending at the interrogation level.


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