Colorful hustle and bustle on Dirty Thursday at the Meitleflade –

by time news

Dirty Thursday at Meitleflade in St. Gallen was colorful, loud and colorful. The students were fed at the Buebeflade during the break and the teachers were looking forward to the premiere of their colleague and schnitzel banker Daniel Mata at lunchtime. The head of education, Stefan Kölliker, also had to take a hit.

Roger Fuchs

For once everything is allowed, just not sitting still. Under the motto “Off to fairytale land”, there was a lot of hustle and bustle at Meitleflade all day on Dirty Thursday. As soon as nine o’clock struck, the Guggenmusik Chapf Chläpfler from Engelburg started heating up the gym. The students let them know that they have been performing here for over 25 years. Everyone rocks and hoots to the beat. Everyday school life seems to be forgotten after just a few minutes.

Carnival begins at Meitleflade

The individual program points follow a tried and tested process. While the girls can spend the morning in various studios – including a bobby car race, karaoke, photo studio, escape room, disco or a Märliwald challenge – after lunch there will be stage performances from theater, dance, sketches and more Polonaise in the gym.

Fairy tales reinterpreted

There are no limits for your creativity. The teachers’ appearance is eagerly awaited by the students everywhere. And when staged, these take us deep into the world of fairy tales and tell well-known stories in a new interpretation. At the finale, all the dwarves finally find their princess or prince on stage and dance together.

Daring performance by schoolgirls

Dirty Thursday presents itself from a completely different perspective in the Buebeflade, where everyone is looking forward to the snack break. For decades, the tradition has been to serve Wienerli with Bürli for the students. The employees of the Catholic administration don’t have to be left behind either and are covered with sausages in their break room.

Sausages for the students

A second highlight approaches at lunchtime. Teacher Daniel Mata, who is known as the schnitzel banker under the name Matatouille, is standing before his main rehearsal: “My teammates are probably the most critical audience,” he says with a wink. He recites his verses in a tight but purple suit comparable to Batman’s and yellow underpants pulled over it, with a yellow blindfold and a bold “M” on his chest.

Around fifty performances

“It’s me, madman with the organic super cucumber,” says Mata, who makes fun of national and local politics: “The head of the picture should go to a new one, it’s a shame that Egger is too hot for the job – Egger probably wants a Kölliker’s position, as a butcher knows how to make sausages better.” Daniel Mata now has around fifty performances scheduled during the carnival season.

While Mata is still receiving his feedback, the afternoon program has long since started in Meitleflade – bright, loud, colorful and with lots of laughing people. Once again, the carnival has set a unique tone for the school year.

© Catholic Media Center, February 8, 2024

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