Colors of the homeland | The fact that a piercing star appeared in the sky… It was mentioned in the Holy Quran

by time news

Several allegations circulated by various social media sites, in the past hours, talk about the appearance of the piercing star on the fields of space observation, where these images have been circulating for years that resemble aircraft, vehicles or winged objects.

The fact that a piercing star appears in the sky

These images may be manipulated, but it may happen sometimes, that they appear shapes familiar to us, which is a technical glitch that occurs when a lot of energy is thrown during solar flares that affect those satellites, when the “Soho” lens reflects the glow Sunlight or when the camera focus or cut occurs during digital processing, so those things in the photos don’t actually exist it’s just an optical illusion.

There are some points and shapes that appear near the sun, as they are only part of a huge liberation of electrons, ions and atoms, during solar flares and coronal mass emissions that usually follow the solar flare, according to the Jeddah Astronomical Society on its Facebook page.

Guilty Planet

While the planet with guilt, or the comet star, is an old designation that the Arabs used to call comets, and this was mentioned by Abu Tammam in his famous poem “The sword is more truthful news than books,” saying: “And frighten people from dark shrewdness… if the western planet appears with guilt.” What is meant by this is Halley’s comet, and the philosopher Abu Ishaq al-Kindi wrote a treatise on it entitled Special Message regarding the great impact that appeared in the year two hundred and twenty-two of the Hijrah, as described by Ibn Al-Atheer in his saying: He was a sinner and he was seen for about forty nights, and it was the first that came out of the west, then turned towards the east, and it was white for a long time.

As for the star in the Holy Qur’an, it refers to a type of star called neutron stars, they have regular pulses and knocks, recorded by radio telescopes, and the matter of their appearance during the past days are just rumors.

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