Colpensiones Reveals Key Statistics on Pension Administration and BEPS Program for July 2024

by time news

Colpensiones presents the most relevant figures regarding the administration of the public pension system (Régimen de Prima Media – RPM) and the BEPS program (Periodic Economic Benefits). The bulletin can be downloaded or viewed entirely online in PDF format. This administrator hopes that the information will be very useful for dissemination and consultation for informational, academic, and research purposes.

Affiliated Persons

Joining or transferring to Colpensiones is possible, as long as the requirements are met. July 2024 closed with 6,852,972 people affiliated with the entity. Of this group, 42.1% contributed in the last month, meaning they made some payment to cover their pension contributions. Similarly, from the total number of people in this group, 69.3% make or have made contributions based on a Contribution Base Income (IBC) equal to a minimum wage (SMLMV).

Pensioned Persons

In the last month, pensions were recognized for 10,069 Colombians, individuals who joined the 1,708,515 currently receiving this economic benefit. The city with the highest number of pensioners is Bogotá, where 28.6% are concentrated. Regarding the amount of the monthly pensions, the figures show that at least 55.10% of those receiving this recognition earn a minimum wage (SMLMV), and 23.32% receive two.

BEPS Program

The BEPS program from Colpensiones is the alternative for those individuals who, for various reasons, cannot make pension contributions, or for those who, having made contributions, do not meet the requirement in weeks to achieve this recognition. This program closed July with 51,402 individuals receiving an average income of $321,629. The department with the highest number of beneficiaries is Antioquia, followed by Valle del Cauca, with 6,713 and 5,719 annuities, respectively.

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Publication date 26/08/2024

Last modification 26/08/2024

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