Columbia students tear up diplomas in protest during graduation ceremony: War in Gaza demonstration at universities across the US

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Columbia students tear up diplomas during graduation ceremony to protest the war in Gaza

graduate student of Columbia University in the United States Those who held their small graduation ceremonies last week decided to continue their protest against the war in Gaza by taking the stage Wearing handcuffs, holding pro-Palestine signs and even tearing up diplomas Which he received from the authorities.

Some students carried out these acts of protest upon receiving their degrees in ceremonies significantly reduced Following weeks of violent anti-Israel protests on campus.

In one of the most belligerent acts, tarshish salomeA graduate in social work from Columbia, she walked forward with her hands clasped above her head as the audience applauded. Later, in front of the crowd, he suddenly tore his diploma into pieces, as seen in the live stream of the ceremony.

Another social work graduate, Maleeha Fairuz, appeared to have the name of Hamas leader, Mazen Jamal al-Natasheh, written on her cap as she accepted her degree in handcuffs.

Protests at Columbia University, where the student uprising inspired others on campuses across the country, led the school to cancel its main graduation ceremony in favor of smaller gatherings.

On the other hand, a small contingent of graduates of Duke University Pro-Israel comedian’s speech protested jerry seinfeld In and around his graduation ceremony in North Carolina on Sunday Of the 7,000 students, 30 left their seats and chanted “Free Palestine”. Amidst a mixture of joy and cheer.

The students committed these acts of protest as they received their degrees in ceremonies that were markedly scaled down following weeks of violent anti-Israel demonstrations on campus.

Some people waved the red, green, white and black Palestinian flag. Seinfeld, whose eponymous sitcom was one of the most popular in American television history, was there to receive an honorary doctorate from the university.

The comedian turned actor is starring in a new Netflix movie un frosted, It has publicly supported Israel since it invaded Gaza to eliminate Hamas after the terrorist organization attacked the country and killed nearly 1,200 people in southern Israel on October 7.

Sunday’s small student protest at Duke’s graduation in Durham, North Carolina, was emblematic of university incidents across the United States on Sunday after weeks of student protests that resulted in nearly 2,900 arrests in 57 colleges and universities.

Students at colleges across the United States responded this spring by camping out and asking their schools to sever ties with Israel and the companies that support it. Students and others on campus, identified by law enforcement as external agitators, have participated in the protests. From Columbia University to UCLA in New York City.

Police escorted the graduates’ families away from a few dozen pro-Palestinian protesters who had attempted to block entry to the graduation ceremony on Sunday afternoon. Pomona College From Southern California.

After protesters camped out on the campus ceremony stage last week, the small liberal arts school moved the event to the Shrine Auditorium in downtown Los Angeles, 30 miles from Claremont. Tickets were required to attend the event, which the school said would include additional safety measures.

In April, police in riot gear arrested 19 protesters who occupied the president’s office at the university along with approximately 1,700 university students.

Inauguration events this weekend remained largely peaceful (Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/USA TODAY Network via Reuters)

At the University of California, berkeleyOn Saturday, a small group of pro-Palestinian protesters waved flags and chanted slogans during the graduation ceremony and were escorted to the back of the stadium. San Francisco Chronicle. There were no major protests, but some attendees expressed disappointment.

“I think they’re ruining it for those of us who paid for tickets and came to show our pride in our graduates,” said Anne Ramos, whose daughter is a student. “There’s a time and a place, and this is not that place.”

This weekend’s inauguration events were largely peaceful.

In this Emerson College D Bostonsome students she took off her graduation gown And they left him on the stage. A woman, looking at a camera broadcasting a live feed to the public, unbuttons her robe to reveal coffee, featured a black and white checkered scarf commonly worn by Palestinians, and a painted watermelon on his hand. Both are symbols of solidarity with those who live in the occupied territories.

Others showed messages on camera on the platform, but the live feed immediately changed to a different view, preventing them from being viewed for long periods of time. It was difficult to understand the chants during some speeches.

University of Southern California Told his honoree, who publicly supports Palestinians, that he could not give the keynote address at his graduation ceremony due to security reasons. Later Canceled its main graduation ceremony.

(With information from AP)

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