Column for Life: How to Find Your Youth Again | life & knowledge

by time news

2023-07-28 18:31:32

What is really important? What touches us today – and will not go away tomorrow? It’s the things that have moved us since human existence: happiness, love, family, partnership, time, stress, loneliness, farewell, grief.

BILD columnist Louis Hagen*, coming from a German-Jewish family, sought answers to the eternal questions of mankind from poets, thinkers and researchers. And found a few answers that are amazingly simple – and yet can enrich our lives.


The actress Iris Berben (72) said wonderful sentences about getting older. She would “at least get closer to her youth”. She spoke of a carelessness that she feels again today.

As a person of a similar age, I think I understand the actress. Somehow I think I’ve rediscovered something of my youth. (I’m not talking about looks, you have to take what is.) A little personal advice.

► Always be interested in what motivates young people. For example, lately I’ve been watching Disney movies with my neighbor and her daughter Adriana (11). Aren’t the characters there sometimes truer than the real ones in life if you love fairy tales?

BILD columnist Louis Hagen

Photo: Wolf Lux

► Do not keep saying “I already know”. You can experience everything in a new way if you just want to. Be interested in the music of young people – you don’t have to like everything, but you could hear it before you judge.

► Eat and drink whatever is trending right now. For example bubble tea and maki sushi (round). I tried it, wasn’t that bad.

In my experience, the following applies to food and to everything in life: don’t lock up – there’s always something new. And: Sometimes the new is the best.

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And one more piece of advice from Adriana: always be enthusiastic about something. From the YouTuber Rebecca Wing, for example, or the singer Nina Chuba (“Mangoes with Chili”).

I still like listening to Bach, by the way, and I love soccer. The one does not exclude the other. I hope, dear readers, I have not confused you with my plea for curiosity. Staying young doesn’t mean white socks and tight jeans (for men).

You stay young in your head.

* Louis Hagen (76) was a member of the BILD editor-in-chief for 13 years and is now a consultant at the communications agency WMP. His texts have also been published as a book and are available at

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