Column for life: Starting school – let them be children! | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-09-08 18:30:49

What is really important? What touches us today – and won’t go away tomorrow? They are the things that have moved us since humans existed: happiness, love, family, relationships, time, stress, loneliness, farewell, sadness.

BILD columnist Louis Hagen*, coming from a German-Jewish family, sought answers to humanity’s eternal questions from poets, thinkers and researchers. And found a few answers that are astonishingly simple – and yet can enrich our lives.


The school bag was almost as big as the boy himself. But he carried the monster with stoic pride. When his father said: “Come on, I’ll take it from you, it’s too heavy,” the little one hissed: “No, I’ll carry it myself.”

It was his first satchel on the first day of school of his life. I was there when the ABC shooters started school, I live at the school. The parents were the most excited.

BILD columnist Louis Hagen

Photo: Wolf Lux

I see them passing by my apartment every day – the first through sixth graders.

As far as I can see, they roll through the school gates like a happy caravan. Shortly before eight o’clock every morning: a tangle of cars – mostly SUVs – in front of the entrance, stopping in the second row, hustle and bustle, shouting, admonitions.

Then the children are at school and everything is quiet again.

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I think I can say: At least at this primary school, the children usually manage the first few years without any problems.

It is the place where they meet their friends. It’s her second apartment, maybe even her first. They run around the huge schoolyard, they hang on the climbing frame and shout: “Look, I’m faster!”

Once they finish school, they will never be the same.

What I’m getting at is: Dear parents, give your children the chance to be children while they are children and discover school. Not every protection is possible or necessary. Do you really have to drive your child to and from school every day? Especially if you live in a big city?

My fondest memories are meeting friends on the way to school – on the bus, on the train, on the bike. A French saying goes:

“Love is the child of freedom”

You can also turn it around: freedom is the love of the child.

* Louis Hagen (76) was a member of the BILD editorial team for 13 years and is now a consultant at the communications agency WMP. His texts have also been published as a book and are available at

#Column #life #Starting #school #children #Life #Knowledge

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