Combination Vaccine for Influenza and Covid-19: Germany’s Family Doctors in Favor

by time news

2024-03-10 14:47:00

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    Germany’s family doctors are in favor of a combination vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 viruses. A preparation is well advanced in development.

    Viral infections lead to many illnesses during the cooler season. Infections with Covid-19 pathogens and other viruses that attack the respiratory tract are usually mild. After a few days to weeks, otherwise healthy people are fit again. But there are also patients who only recover slowly. Complications can also be associated with viral infections such as influenza or Covid-19. In order to reduce the risk of serious illness and break chains of infection, health authorities such as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommend vaccinations for certain groups of people.

    The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) at the RKI advises the following risk groups, among others, to receive an annual corona and flu vaccination:

    • People aged 60 and over
    • People with increased health risks due to an underlying disease (such as chronic diseases of the respiratory system, heart or circulatory diseases, liver or kidney diseases, diabetes or other metabolic diseases, multiple sclerosis, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency or HIV)
    • Residents of retirement or nursing homes
    • Medical and nursing staff

    “We very much hope that the combination vaccine will be available in the foreseeable future”

    Given that general practitioners expect high numbers of patients in the winter months, they are speaking out daily News according to a combined vaccine against corona and flu. This is probably also in the hope that more people will get vaccinated and thus the number of infections requiring treatment will decrease.

    The location of the patch suggests that the wearer has had a vaccination. © Bernd Feil/Imago

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    “We very much hope that the combination vaccine will be available in the foreseeable future,” said the federal chairman of the general practitioners’ association, Markus Beier Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung. Beier sees an argument for this in the Stiko vaccination recommendations, which are largely identical for corona and flu.

    Biontech, Pfizer and Moderna are developing combination vaccinations

    Some companies are working on such a combination vaccine. These include the Mainz-based biotech company Biontech in collaboration with its cooperation partner Pfizer, the biotechnology group Moderna and the pharmaceutical company Novavax. This is the most advanced German Pharmacist Newspaper (DAZ) According to the product from Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer. Moderna is said to intend to make corresponding combination vaccines available by 2025.

    The combination preparation from Biontech and Pfizer is also well advanced in development, as can be seen from a Pfizer press release. The combination vaccine will be the DAZ According to reports, it has been tested in a clinical study to assess safety and tolerability on healthy volunteers in the USA since November 2022. The results so far are promising, as is the drug list Yellow list pharmaceutical index informed. The administration of the combination vaccine led to robust immune responses against influenza A, influenza B and various Sars-CoV-2 strains, it continues. The next phase of the study, which will decide on the final approval of the Biontech/Pfizer product, is scheduled to start in the coming months, according to Pfizer information dated October 26, 2023.

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    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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