Imagine waking up one morning to discover your high school result, but in addition to feel the joy of knowing that you stayed in your first choice, find out that you are one of the six best results of the Comipems Higher Secondary Education Entrance Exam 2024.
This is what Mairan Rodriguez Butron, Leonardo Bravo Solis, Luis Angel Meneses Hernandez and Carlos Andrés Colqui García.
They are about to begin an important stage in their lives, but they already recognize some of the challenges that the country..
For Mairán, who obtained 126 out of 128 correct answers and will enter vocational school 9 of the IPN
When asked what the most serious problem in Mexico is and what should be addressed, the young woman did not hesitate to point out that it is education.
“I have seen that we have a very complete education, the problem is that many times we do not take care of maintaining it. We have many subjectsbut the problem is that now, from primary to secondary school, the average is used and actually getting a score is not difficult, but rather demonstrating that you really know,” he said.
Luis Ángel believes that one issue that must be addressed is corruption, but also other more everyday issues such as lack of water and rising pricesalthough he agreed that the educational issue should be a priority.
“I think that more attention should be paid to education, because now I know of many classmates who did not achieve any of their options,” said the student who will also enter Voca 9 after a result of 125 correct answers.
For Carlos, the problem of inequality and poverty must be addressed.
“I believe that there is currently a economic inequality serious in the country, many people live unjustly and it is not just about whether they make an effort or not,” said the student who will also be part of Voca 9.
Finally, Leonardo stated that there is no policy between the problems that are being attempted to be solved and the way in which the authorities address them.
“Policies need to be better coordinated. Not only politicians can have an opinion. The contribution we make as individuals, as a society, is valuable,” said the new student of UNAM’s Prepa 9.
2024-08-13 12:13:21