Commemoration of the Vokstrauertag: War Graves Commission: Now donations are being collected again

by time news

One day before the national day of mourning, the traditional commemoration ceremony of the German War Graves Commission (VDK) will take place on Saturday, November 12, at the former Stade garrison cemetery (Albert-Schweitzer-Straße), which will be organized centrally for the Stade district. District administrator Kai Seefried, district chairman of the Volksbund, invites the population to participate.

Pupils from the Jobelmann School will say the commemoration and help lay the wreath. The speech will be held jointly by Deputy Superintendent Heike Kehlenbeck, Pastor in Bützfleth, and District Administrator Kai Seefried. The Altes Land wind orchestra will provide the background music. Bundeswehr reservists are also involved in organizing the commemoration, which commemorates the millions of people who died in both world wars every year.

The military cemetery in Neukloster Forst is being renovated

The traditional collections for donations will also start at the beginning of November. At the beginning of the house and street collections of the German War Graves Commission, District Administrator Seefried, as chairman of the VDK district association, calls for donations to support the campaign. The collections are organized by many voluntary helpers, reservists from the Bundeswehr and some schools from the district. On Saturday, November 12, from 9 a.m., the district administrator will be collecting donations at the weekly market in Stade’s old town.

On behalf of the Federal Government, the VDK is dedicated to the task of recording, preserving and caring for the graves of German war dead in Germany and abroad. The aim of the voluntary helpers with the collection boxes is to collect donations for the peace work of the Volksbund.

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