Commerce prepares actions to increase sales on Mother’s Day

by time news

2023-05-11 00:30:09

There are a few days left for Mother’s Day, the second main sales date on the retail calendar, second only to Christmas. Precisely because of the importance of the celebration, it is essential that shopkeepers start preparing in advance to ensure the best results.

For the Commercial Director of Zucchetti, an Italian multinational specializing in management systems that serves more than 100,000 micro and small businesses throughout Brazil, Marcos Adriano Guasso, stores and restaurants should now start careful planning to have optimized results.

An important step is to evaluate the market and research, collect internal data on the best-selling products on that date, what has been most sought after in recent months and the trends indicated by studies, to define attractive promotions and plan inventory.

“Anticipating this, merchants can negotiate better prices with suppliers, in addition to more attractive conditions, which can guarantee a promotion that does not generate losses and attracts buyers to the store. For this, it is vital that the retailer, whatever the size of their business, knows their audience, knows what they like best, because, although there are market trends, each retailer caters to specific and different audiences”, he emphasizes.

On commemorative dates, recalls Guasso, it is also possible to take advantage of items that have been in stock for a long time, or, in the case, for example, of clothing, footwear and accessories stores, evaluate items that may be left over in the collection exchange, which comes soon the following month, to promote promotions and not have products left in the store. Offering promotional kits, with more than one product, can also be a great strategy to attract customers.

The disclosure of the promotion and strategy for Mother’s Day also needs to be planned, according to what works best with the establishment’s public. “Micro and small businesses have the advantage of being closer to their customers, knowing their tastes and having more accurate communication. So, it is necessary to use what is already known to work best to communicate the promotions to the public and also show news that the trade is receiving. In addition, it is important to assess what type of communication works in the region, to attract new customers”, points out Guasso.

He points out that it’s no use for a small retailer to have a high expense with an ad in a magazine, for example, if your audience is more impacted by social networks and sound car. “Therefore, starting planning in advance, intensifying advertising actions as the date approaches, is essential for better results, taking full advantage of this important date in the national retail calendar”, completes the specialist.

He also highlights the importance of having controls and records of data in retail, even in small stores. “With Zucchetti’s management software, focused on micro and small retailers, it is possible to collect stock data, plan purchases, have purchase trend data by period and performance in promotions carried out, which facilitates planning and execution. of strategies”, he exemplifies.

Source: Press office

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