common sense and take care of the vulnerable

by time news

2023-06-23 08:43:09

The high temperatures knock on the door and with them, the recommendations that we must never tire of repeating: Do not do physical exercise in the central hours, hydrate… but also take care of the most vulnerable, the elderly and people with psychiatric pathologies, among others.

A woman cools the head of a young man in a fountain in the Patio de los Naranjos of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba. EFE/Rooms

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has reported a time change “clearly and over several days” with high temperatures in “progressive and elevated increase”. It is due to atmospheric stability and the possible arrival of a warm air mass from lower latitudes in North Africa.

It’s about a “important warm episode”with daytime values ​​between 5 and 10 degrees above normal values, and although it is still early, the Aemet does not rule out that from the weekend the thresholds of “intensity, extension and duration necessary” will be exceeded to talk about the first heat wave of the summer of 2023.

Exposure to high temperatures can cause “an insufficient physiological response” of the body’s thermoregulatory system. Also alter vital functions when the body is unable to compensate for variations in body temperature. This is how he points out the Ministry of Health in the National Plan of preventive actions of the effects of excess temperature on health 2023.

And it is that high temperatures produce loss of water and electrolytes that are necessary for the normal functioning of the organs.

The people most vulnerable to high temperatures are:

People older than 65 years. Infants and children under 4 years of age. Pregnant. Patients with cardiovascular, respiratory and mental pathologies (dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,…). Chronically ill. People under certain medical treatments (diuretics, neuroleptics, anticholinergics and tranquilizers). Those with memory disorders, comprehension or orientation difficulties or little autonomy in daily life.

And we must not forget those people who live alone, on the street or in unfavorable social and economic conditions, those who live in homes that are difficult to cool and do not have air conditioning or those who are excessively exposed to heat due to their work, according to the website of the Ministry.

An operator cools off with a hose in Ecija (Seville). EFE/Rooms

Another risk factor is having continuous exposure for several days to high temperatures that are maintained at night.

Increases mortality with previous pathologies

The researcher of the Global Health Institute (ISGlobal) Xavier Basagaña affects in statements to EFEsalud that with high temperatures, mortality increases but not only due to heat strokes “which fortunately are few” but precisely because the risk of previous pathologies aggravating causing heart attacks or strokes increases.

“The heat is a source of extra stress for the body,” says Basagaña.

The researcher emphasizes paying special attention to those sick with certain mental pathologies, they do not take care of themselves, so they do not take the necessary precautions to appease the heat.

“In fact, one of the things that is recommended is that if you have relatives in this situation or people who live alone and who are delicate, you visit them on those days to make sure they are hydrated and take the necessary measures,” Basagaña stresses. .

Also to the elderly, because with age the body’s thermoregulation mechanisms deteriorate, so that it takes longer for them to be thirsty or sweat. These are the tools that the body has to stay at a constant temperature. For this reason, the elderly are more sensitive to high temperatures.

The first heat wave, the one with the greatest risk

The Aemet has not yet confirmed that the high temperatures that will be recorded in the coming days constitute the first heat wave of the summer and if it is, precautions must be taken.

According to Basagaña, several studies indicate that the first heat wave of the summer adds more deaths than the rest, especially if it comes early. And there may be several causes for the increased mortality.

Several people enjoy on the beach of Benidorm. EFE / Morell

The expert explains that there are studies that show that the body needs two weeks to adapt to the heat. Once this period has passed, the assimilation of heat is faster, the body responds sooner, the distribution of the blood also changes to keep the temperature constant.

If the heat wave occurs suddenly, the body has not had that necessary period of preparation.

Another explanation, Basagaña continues, is that as the summer progresses, we change behaviors that make us better adapt to high temperatures: we dress differently, we change habits, work schedules, etc.

“Then there is another reason. There is a group of more fragile people, who are in very delicate health and are more susceptible to dying when there is a heat wave. When the first comes, so it happens. Therefore, for the rest of the summer, this group of vulnerable people at risk of dying has already been reduced”, says the ISGlobal researcher.

Enjoy the summer with caution

The Ministry of Health has recalled these days on social networks the decalogue “Enjoy this summer with health”in order for citizens to prevent the effects of high temperatures:

Drink water and fluids frequently, even if you don’t feel thirsty and regardless of the physical activity you do.

Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic or highly sugary drinks, as they can promote dehydration. Although anyone can experience a heat-related problem, pays special attention to: babies and minors, infants and pregnant women, as well as elderly people or people with illnesses that can be aggravated by heat .

remains as long as possible in cool places, in the shade or air-conditioned, and refresh yourself whenever you need it. procure reduce physical activity and avoid doing outdoor sports in the central hours of the day. Uses light clothingbaggy and that lets perspire.

Never leave anyone in a parked and locked vehicle (especially to minors, the elderly or those with chronic illnesses).

Consult your health professional for symptoms that last more than an hour and that may be related to high temperatures.

Keep your medicines in a cool place; heat can alter its composition and its effects.

Have light meals that help replace the salts lost through sweat (salads, fruits, vegetables, juices, etc.)
#common #sense #care #vulnerable

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