Commotion in Chile. Former Chilean president Sebastián Piñera died when his helicopter fell into a southern lakeBy Víctor García

by archyves

SANTIAGO, Chile.– The former president of Chile Sebastián Piñera (2010-2014 and 2018-2022) died at the age of 74, in a plane accident that occurred on the afternoon of this Tuesday in the rural sector of Ilihue, in the commune of Lago Ranco, Los Ríos Region, while flying over the vicinity of his summer home and after the ship he was crewing with three other people – and he was piloting – fell for reasons that are still being investigated.

Piñera’s aircraft took off in the middle of a rainy day in the area (900 kilometers south of Santiago), from the house of his friend, former advisor and neighbor José Cox with four occupants, including the former president. Under challenging weather conditions, in a heavily wooded area, with rain and fog, and just a few minutes away from taking flight, The helicopter registration CC-PHP experienced a loss of altitude and finally crashed after 2 p.m.

The two-time president of Chile was flying over Lake Ranco when he suffered a plane accident that resulted in his deathScreenshot

According to the first information, three occupants managed to get out of the helicopter and managed to swim to shore, but The former president could not get rid of his seat belt and drowned. Other press versions indicated that Piñera felt health problems and after managing to land the ship, he gave the order for the crew to jump before it sank.

For his part, Piñera’s former Minister of Education and resident of Lago Ranco, Gerardo Varela, provided another key background. “It is not known whether or not (the former president) had a heart attack, but he would not have been able to remove his belt and, consequently, he would have gone down with the helicopter.” According to Radio Biobío, along with the former president, Magdalena Piñera (sister of the former president), businessman Ignacio Guerrero and his son were on board.

Indeed, the cardiac cause and Piñera’s state of health emerged as other potential reasons that would explain the accident and the fact that there were only three survivors. Likewise, the ship would have fallen 40 to 45 meters according to estimates by the rescue team and the delay in confirming the tragedy occurred due to the difficulties that divers had in removing Piñera’s body from the bottom of the lake. Thus, and after an operation of some complexity, Navy personnel transported him by boat to the dock and then took him to a sector of Lago Ranco and later to the legal medical service of the city of Valdivia, where the autopsy will be performed.

Former president Sebastian Piñera with his wife Cecilia Morel (Photo by Evaristo SA / AFP)
Former president Sebastian Piñera with his wife Cecilia Morel (Photo by Evaristo SA / AFP)EVARISTO SA – AFP

At 2:57 p.m., an emergency call was received notifying about the accident, which led to the deployment of Carabineros and the Navy to the place to evaluate the situation, which in parallel generated a proliferation of audios and various versions that cluttered social networks. Chile’s 24 Horas channel reported that Piñera had just renewed his license to pilot helicopters, and he was in command of the aircraft.

In the midst of national consternation, and while rumors increased, the Argentine embassy in Chile confirmed to LA NACION the information of the death of Sebastián Piñera. And minutes later, the right-wing ruler’s own press office confirmed the fact. “It is with deep regret that we announce the death of the former president of the Republic of Chile Sebastián Piñera Echenique. During the afternoon of this Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the former president suffered a plane accident in the Los Ríos Region,” the note indicated.

“We will inform you about their funerals in due course. “We are grateful for the massive expressions of affection and concern that we have received during these bitter hours,” the report noted.

Almost in parallel, the government of Chile, through its Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, confirmed the death of the former head of state, which immediately caused commotion throughout the country. In the center of Santiago, a hundred people settled behind the windows to follow the information, while various reactions emerged from all political sectors and Piñera’s house received a visit from deeply affected adherents.

“We want to express our shock at this tragedy, send our solidarity hug to the former president’s family, to all those close to him, but also to all Chileans, because Piñera was president of Chile, democratic president of Chile on two occasions and will have consequently all the republican honors and recognitions it deserves,” said Tohá.

Hours later, the president himself was Gabriel Boric who referred to the death of his former political opponent and reported that he established dialogue with former Chilean presidents Michelle Bachelet, Ricardo Lagos and Eduardo Frei. “I have instructed that former President Sebastián Piñera be fired with all the honors of State and I will decree three days of mourning to remember his figure,” Boric said from the La Moneda Palace. The state funeral, for now, is scheduled for this Friday.

“He was a democrat from the first hour and always sought what he believed was best for the country, such as the reconstruction of the country after the 2010 earthquake and when he took a risk with great audacity in the rescue of the 33 miners, such as the management of the pandemic,” added the current ruler, emphasizing the most valued actions of Piñera’s legacy.

As night fell, the headquarters of his political party National Renewal was filled with militants and various actions were carried out to honor the memory of the former president and of the first right-wing democratic president after the Pinochet dictatorship, and one of the largest fortunes in the country. There were vigils, former collaborators and former members of their governments’ cabinets met. “In the chat of former ministers there is only pain,” former spokesperson Karla Rubilar said through tears.

Sebastián Piñera is seen aboard his helicopter on January 15, 2006, after voting in Santiago
Sebastián Piñera is seen aboard his helicopter on January 15, 2006, after voting in SantiagoSTR – AFP

During the day it was also learned that Piñera had already had problems with his helicopter in the same town in 2010, a month before assuming his first government. A report from the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) at the time determined that Piñera made a “hard landing” on February 6, 2010, when he hit the rotor of his aircraft with a small tree.

Meanwhile, in January 2011, when he was already serving as president, the helicopter in which he was traveling to Cobquecura, in the current Ñuble Region, had to make an emergency landing due to “erroneous planning” regarding the fuel necessary for the trip. .

They confirm that Sebastián Piñera drowned and the state funeral began

Commotion in Chile. They confirm that Sebastián Piñera drowned and the state funeral began

Vicuña's message after the fires in Chile and the request to his followers

“Every life lost hurts.” Vicuña’s message after the fires in Chile and the request to his followers

Piñera's memory of the 33 miners rescued from a mine, one of the milestones of his management

“We owe him our lives.” Piñera’s memory of the 33 miners rescued from a mine, one of the milestones of his management

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