communist airs

by time news

2023-05-04 02:03:42

El señor Gustavo Petro, presidente de la hermana República de Colombia, está en España y es bienvenido, como cualquier colombiano de bien que llega a nuestro país. El problema con este hombre es que se empeña en insultarnos incluso cuando nos visita, algo inaudito en quien debería tener un mínimo de decoro para con quien le hace honores. Antes de partir de Bogotá rumbo a Madrid, se excedió en su soflama acusándonos de esclavistas e instando a sus paisanos a [[LINK:EXTERNO||||||«liberarse del yugo español»]], represented by a sort of “princes, counts and dukes” who according to him would still be ruling the mother country. The reality is that Petro is a phony. He knows perfectly well that centuries ago the aristocracy stopped ruling here and that those who make the decisions today are their friends from the PSOE, Podemos, Esquerra and Bildu. But of course, he will not miss the opportunity to denigrate Spain despite the fact that Spain has awarded him nothing less than the Order of Isabel la Católica. Curiously, the same Queen, the discoverer of America, whose statue in Bogotá was demolished with the applause of this character, a close friend of Iglesias and Monedero, Zapatero and Sánchez, and especially George Soros. The shadowy American tycoon, involved in all kinds of conspiracy plots, including that of the independence of Catalonia, is as much a friend of Petro as of Sánchez. Both owe gratitude to Soros. Both have met with him and his son, Alexander, a court visitor to the White House and a favor-seeker with the US president. It was not for nothing that Soros was whom the head of the Spanish Executive received in his office before anyone else after the motion to Rajoy. Patron of Obama and Biden, first financier of the American Democrats and of the LGTBi postulatesgender ideology, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, anti-religion, pro-globalism, pro-agenda 2030 and pro-single world government, through his Open Society foundation, has showered Soros with congratulations to Petro for him to insert in his speech everything that Podemos and the PSOE in Spain also defend. curious coincidences

Petro has been and is a declared enemy of our country. He praised Catalan secessionism by attending the false referendum of 1-O as an observer paid by the Generalitat, exceeding then in his indepe flout, describing Spain as a dictatorship and sponsoring our disintegration as a nation. He is a close friend of Xavier Vendrell, former Minister of the Generalitat prosecuted as the alleged instigator of the Democratic Tsunami that muddied the streets of Barcelona with the sad balance of dozens of detainees, many injured, destroyed street furniture and hundreds of burned containers. Petro has given Vendrell Colombian nationality and diplomatic rank, lest the Spanish Justice end up arresting him and he has to flee like Puigdemont. Vendrell was once a member of the terrorist Terra Lliure. Just like Petro of the M-19 narco-guerrilla, author of the assault on the Palace of Justice in Bogotá to steal Pablo Escobar’s files and thus prevent his extradition to the United States. That assault resulted in a hundred deaths, which would have to be added to the kidnappings, crimes, and rapes committed by the M19 during its stage of “armed struggle.” Petro is something like Otegi, Abascal said well yesterday to define the current Colombian president. If he had repented of any of his acts, it could be commendable, but as in the case of the exetarra, he has neither done it nor intends to do it. Quite the opposite. He boasts of his past and does not hide his intention to turn Colombia into a new Venezuela, communist and Bolivarian. The problem is that he does not have an absolute majority to face his trip to the Castroite paradise. The partners who supported him have already abandoned him. He has had no choice but to promote a purge of ministers, in true Stalinist style. And in the end, history always repeats itself.

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