Community and leisure network dormitories in Holon, for births up to three, will begin the process of specialization and specialization of each dormitory according to a chosen topic such as music, English, sustainability, art and nature according to which the annual curriculum will be built.

by time news

Community and leisure network dormitories are undergoing a process of specialization and uniqueness
In diverse content areas that will provide a richer and more tailored answer
For parents and children ages birth to three.

In the current school year, community and leisure network dormitories are undergoing another process of specialization and uniqueness – starting in the 2003-2004 school year, each dormitory will specialize in a unique content area that will expand and enrich the activities and content for children with emphasis on the chosen field. And pedagogically for each residence according to the chosen topic.

The process was built after deep thinking, accompanied by a professional and pedagogical development team, while listening to the needs of the parents and in order to give a good and varied response to parents and children. This will allow families to choose the most appropriate educational framework for them.

Content areas of the network dormitories:

A musical residence – Musical education – The daycare center will focus on music – the children will be exposed to musical rhythms and will get to know the various musical instruments. Each month we will focus on a different family of musical instruments – wind instruments, percussion, percussion, strings and more.

Rochala Residence – Israeli culture – the home will emphasize multiculturalism, the educational environment will be designed in a way that emphasizes a socio-dramatic game of diverse cultures in the community, the content will be adapted to the value of diversity and solidarity among human beings.

English residence Bilingual – The daycare center will be run in two languages ​​- English and Hebrew, knowing that in infancy the ability to acquire additional languages, in addition to the mother tongue, is at its peak.

A hug – Environment and nature – the center will emphasize education on sustainability and the environment – reference to the environment and natural materials, we will emphasize the values ​​that respect the preservation of the existing, we will learn, explore and acquire skill in recycling and nature processes.

Home Shades – For art – the home will be inspired by art – the children will be exposed to the use of different materials through knowing selected works of art and artists. Each month there will be an acquaintance with a selected artist and his works and the children will experience and learn under his inspiration while emphasizing emotional regulation.

Steps residence – Walking in nature – The residence will focus on nature and the environment. The staff of the daycare center and the children will establish a community garden with the cooperation of the parents. The children will get to know the growth processes in the garden and prepare foods from its products in chef workshops.

Circle residence – Following stories – The home is located next to story gardens, designed inspired by children’s stories and will focus on the development of language and imagination. Each month a children’s book / author will be chosen around which various activities will take place. Kids will enjoy a library rich in books and a socio-dramatic play following the stories.

The Little Prince’s Residence – Health and movement – The daycare center will focus on the motor development of the children and on education for a healthy diet. We will teach the children proper eating habits and expose them to sports and motor activities according to the developmental stage.

A community and leisure network operates dormitories throughout the city from the educational-community concept that the dormitory is a place where educators, children and parents meet to create an educational partnership, based on belief in the child and his abilities, recognition of the socio-cultural importance of child development, and especially knowledge of quality awareness. The relationship between all partners – staff, parents and children, will lead to flourishing and personal and systemic growth.

The network dormitories constitute an optimal educational framework, which strives to provide a complete solution to the needs in all areas of development of children from the age of four months to the entrance to the municipal kindergarten and by age classes – infants, young people and adults.
The center’s staff includes a center director, a class leader and professional therapists who undergo training, advanced training and courses throughout the year.

The network’s dormitories are accompanied and supervised by the “Smart Start” network from the Community Centers Company and are subject to the Dormitory Supervision Law of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, all dormitories are legally networked with cameras.

The registration for the network’s dormitories, for the school year 2003/04, will take place on 28.2.22-15.2.22 on the Community and Leisure Network website.

More details on the Community and Leisure Network website

More details

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