Companies will achieve gender parity until 2052

by time news

2023-10-04 17:28:47

It will not be until 2052 when gender parity can be achieved in companies in the country, especially in positions on boards of directors and managers, according to the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Imco).

Through a study, in collaboration with Kiik Consultores and Fundación Coppel, 184 companies listed on the Mexican stock exchanges were analyzed, which showed that there is still little progress in the participation of women in boards or relevant positions.

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Statistics show that at least 2 out of every 10 companies analyzed do not have female participation in their highest positions, this despite the fact that at least 43 percent of the workforce are women.

In general, only 13 percent of business board positions are occupied by women, just one percent compared to the 2021 record, while only 4 percent are represented by women in company management positions.

“Progress to achieve gender equality in the labor market is slow, as women continue to be underrepresented in companies, especially in senior positions.”According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) “Mexico is the third country with the lowest presence of women on boards of directors, only after Estonia and Hungary,” the document states.

The sectors with the greatest female participation in relevant directions are public services, with 24 percent; energy, with 22 percent; and health, with 16 percent. While at the lowest is telecommunications with 10 percent. “Companies have the potential to be agents of change to add more women to higher-level positions. The three inclusion policies most frequently reported by companies listed on the stock exchanges are: providing continuous training on different topics such as leadership or gender awareness; have protocols against workplace violence and harassment and implement a diversity policy in work teams,” the study points out.

In this regard, Imco proposes a series of measures that promote the participation of women in the labor market, especially in senior management and boards of directors.

Among them is measuring and identifying the hierarchical level where women’s talent is lost and understanding the causes. Also improve information reporting with a gender perspective; institutionalize the corporate governance of family and public companies with gender metrics. As well as implement good practices for the inclusion of women, such as labor flexibility or leadership in gender equality.

#Companies #achieve #gender #parity

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