Company replaced 90% of its customer service employees with artificial intelligence

by time news

2023-07-13 18:07:13

Suumit Shah, an Indian businessman, owner of the company Dukaan, a platform dedicated to the creation of online stores, fired 90% of the staff that provided customer service to replace it with a chatbot called “Lina”, powered by Intelligence Artificial (AI).

The decision was informed through a tweet on Twitter, in which he explained that although taking this measure was not an easy thing, the results speak for themselves.

Shah explained to his followers that “Lina” solves a large part of the problems or concerns of his clients in the shortest possible time, which is completely positive for his company, because he is offering a quality service while reducing handling costs.

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“Due to the installation of artificial intelligence, the user receives the first answer instantly, the service provides a solution in 3 minutes and 12 seconds instead of 2 hours and 13 minutes and the costs of customer support have been cut by 85% “said the businessman.

In addition, he assured in his messages that although he was scared at first to take the step, at this time the new companies that have been entering the market are prioritizing the use of chatbots, with the purpose of improving their profitability and quality in the service, to which this has been the case.

“Lina” is increasingly managing to optimize conflict resolution time by up to three minutes and 40 seconds, compared to two and a half hours, which was what, in many cases, the staff she had hired took. For what she believes is “the beginning of something beautiful.”

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“Imagine having your own AI assistant, who knows your business inside out and can answer customer queries instantly, 24/7. And not just generic queries, but queries that are specific to the user”, commented the businessman.

Suumit Shah’s decision has been the cause of great controversy in his country and on social networks. They consider that they have not thought about what will become of the lives of the staff that they cut from their company to use artificial intelligence, and less about the effect that it could be generating in the future and the way in which this will materialize in the face of the barriers that will arise for access. to a job. It is feared that some professions and trades will end up being relegated.

That is why some sectors have set off their alarms, because AI could start to replace different jobs. Some of them, in the short term, can be programmed and executed more easily and in the shortest possible time, with this type of technology.

On the other hand, there are also those who consider that artificial intelligence has not come to essentially replace the work of humans, but that it will strengthen them, as well as contribute to the optimization of other jobs.

A study carried out by OpenIA has pointed out which professionals this tool could eventually replace. The work carried out by operators and workers in the construction sector, in the food and food preparation industry, in addition to auto and bicycle mechanics, hairdressers, athletes, oil extractors, electrical appliance installers and meat producers could begin to be supplemented with artificial intelligence.

But the concern does not end with the use of chatbots, platforms such as ChatGPT have been expanding throughout the world in recent months until they have been incorporated into the internal and external processes of some products and services, as is the case with the new versions developed. by Bing and Microsoft’s Edge, introduced in February.

The growth in its use has been exponential, both in traffic and in its downloads. Hundreds of users have started to download the application, to add it to their personal and work activities.

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