Comparing Water Quality: Is Berlin’s Spree River Cleaner Than Paris’ Seine?

by time news

Is the Berlin Spree cleaner than the Paris Seine?

The murky waters⁣ of the Seine River forced the postponement of the Olympic triathlon in Paris. ⁣But is the Spree in Berlin, Germany’s capital, any cleaner?

France has invested heavily in cleaning the Seine, but⁣ even after these measures, the river still failed to meet water quality standards for the Olympics. What about Berlin?

The state of the​ Spree’s water quality:

While ⁣the Spree is not ‍as polluted as ⁤the Seine, concerns remain about its⁢ suitability for swimming. Unlike the Seine, which has a combined sewer system,‌ the ‌Spree has a separated system for rainwater and wastewater in most⁤ areas. However, heavy rainfall can ⁢still lead to overflows​ and pollution.

Can swimming competitions take place?

Swimming competitions could potentially take place​ in the Spree’s suburban area, which has a separate sewer system. However, the Spree’s central, urban section remains heavily polluted, making official swimming events unlikely.

Measures to⁤ improve water ​quality:

Berlin is taking steps to address the issue. Underground storage facilities and decentralized stormwater management are being ​implemented to reduce pollution. However, large-scale ‍measures to make the Spree suitable for permanent bathing are deemed too expensive.

The “River Bath ​Berlin” ‍project:

This ongoing project ⁤aims to ecologically clean the Spree Canal, potentially making it suitable for bathing. However, ‍safety concerns, including water quality and boat traffic, remain ​unresolved.


While efforts⁣ are underway to improve the Spree’s water quality, it remains ⁣unclear if the Spree will ever be clean enough for safe swimming. The “River Bath Berlin” project offers hope, but its success remains uncertain.

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