Competition is heating up in the taxi industry! The black sheep in the industry are annoying!

by time news

2023-09-25 18:29:47

Vienna. Meeting with taxi company owner Christoph Schallaböck and “Taxi 40 100” General Secretary Eveline Hruza, Kurier newspaper reveals the current state of the industry.

Christoph Schallaböck, who has been a taxi driver since the 1970s and has been running his own business since the 1980s, told the Kurier newspaper about the changing taxi industry after 2016. “It was the most profitable but also the most qualified period of the taxi business. However, no year came close to 2016. Cash register obligation was introduced, black sheep, who saw passenger transportation only as a playground for money laundering, disappeared from the market.” His comment attracted attention.

Schallaböck pointed out that the new system significantly reduces the number of taxis. „This was an improvement for trade. Until a few people interrupted this dream. Uber and Bolt told traditional taxi drivers to engage in a price war. Because while they had to stick to fixed fares, new drivers with navigation devices and discounted prices were suddenly hunting down digitally savvy customers.” With his words, he drew attention to the differences in the current system.

What did the new law change?

The situation has calmed down again with the amendment to the current Transport Law 2021. Union president Leopold Kautzner said this „All providers must now comply with the same rights and obligations“ he explains. This means they all have to comply with minimum tariffs and will now drive with a taxi plate (TX) and a sign on the roof. However, according to KURIER’s interview with industry residents, the industry has still not recovered from the shock.

Because with the advent of competition, not only the industry but also the customer base has been divided: while there are older people who still like to dial phone numbers like 40 100 or 31 300 and can at best speak to their drivers in a wide range of dialects, on the other side there are those who prefer not to say anything to their drivers and just pay the price – sometimes more. There are young people who think that a modern, climate-friendly car is important.

„Taxi 40 100“ Secretary General Eveline Hruza, in her speech, points out that it is difficult to win customers today and says, “The sector has a bad reputation in some places.” Regular users can guess where this originates from, or one can read a few comments online on various platforms. A user on one of these platforms said, “What a journey it was!” “The taxi driver not only wandered around the city like an executioner, but also looked at his mobile phone,” he complains. Other frequently encountered complaints are; fictitious fixed fees, long waiting times, poor hygiene standards, grumpy drivers and price gouging.

What are the realities of the industry?

Taxi driver exam: According to the latest data, 884 people took the exam between January and June 2023 and 540 people passed the exam.

The driver’s license is valid for 5 years. After that it needs to be renewed.

Fees; It is rarely increased in the taxi industry. Last time in June. There was no increase between 2012-2021. The basic wage in Vienna is 3.80 euros. Distances up to 5 km cost 0.95 Euro per km. After that, each additional km costs 0.58 euros

The Taxi Reform or Current Transport Act was amended in 2019 and reformed in 2021. Since then, the same conditions apply for all taxis and rental cars. From 2025, only emission-free vehicles will be registered

Taxi checks are important

Taxi 40 100 is taking targeted measures against quality deficiencies, but Eveline Hruza says they are hesitant “because they don’t want to control the drivers.” hruza, „We are agencies, which means the drivers are not employed by us. But they represent us. That’s why it’s important for us to have high quality.” he explains the situation.

Therefore, it is natural that every driver and every entrepreneur comes to the head office in person and shows his driver’s license. Secretary General confidently “We have no black sheep” says. Approximately 1,500 to 1,800 vehicles operate for Taxi 40 100.

However, negative experiences occur not only on the customer side, but also on the driver side: “I have had frightening or unpleasant experiences,” says Schallaböck. Trust plays a big role here; after all, you are entering a vulnerable situation; the driver does not know who is riding and the customer does not know who is driving.

Large head offices also have to work on the basis of trust and are very creative. Taxi 40 100 recently launched a collaboration with drag queen Candy Licious, who educates aspiring taxi drivers about diversity. “We do what we can,” says Eveline Hruza.

What are passenger rights?

First car in the queue

A frequently asked question is: Can I freely choose a taxi in the queue or do I have to get in the first car? Answer: You have freedom of choice. This is important because some taxis often emit strange smells. So, at that exact moment, you can get into another vehicle in the taxi queue. No matter how long or short the trip, taxis are required to drive. So there’s no need to feel guilty if the trip only takes five minutes.

reject passenger

However, just like you have the right to choose a taxi, a driver also has the right to refuse customers if they pose a risk. This is the case, for example, if the passenger is extremely drunk.


By the way, taxis are not a bank. According to the Association for Consumer Information (VKI), they should only be able to exchange banknotes up to 50 euros. Today, paying by credit card is no longer a problem in most taxis. However, according to the VKI, taxis must guarantee the acceptance of cash only. Therefore, it is recommended that you ask whether payment can be made by credit card before starting your journey.


It goes without saying that an invoice must be issued. Exactly what should be written on it varies depending on the federal state. If an ordered taxi does not arrive on time, you can cancel it from the radio control center. However, after how many minutes this works is a legal gray area.

Unnecessarily long distances

If the taxi driver takes you somewhere unwanted or unnecessary, you do not have to pay for it. In extreme cases, you can get out of the taxi. You also have the right to determine the route. Otherwise, the taxi driver must always use the shortest route.


As a passenger, you can also determine whether the windows are open or closed, whether and how the air conditioning is adjusted, and whether you want to listen to music. However, the taxi driver must be able to hear traffic announcements. Most taxis these days are non-smoking. And one more thing: if a taxi driver approaches you unintentionally, you can politely but firmly refuse.

#Competition #heating #taxi #industry #black #sheep #industry #annoying

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