Compulsory quarantine in Chennai for more than 13,000 Kovid negatives

by time news

As part of the tightening of Kovid controls, including in Shanghai, Kovid detained negative people in compulsory quarantine.

More than 13,000 residents of the Nanjing Yuan residential area in southeastern Beijing were evacuated to quarantine hotels overnight on Friday.

26 new cases were reported in the region yesterday. Compulsory quarantine is for seven days. The local government said it would take legal action against those who did not co-operate.

The lockdown will take effect on April 23 in Nanjing. All those currently being relocated are reported to be Kovid negative. Locals’ social media posts allege that the situation is war-like.

Last month, Kovid Negative evacuated more than a thousand Shanghai residents to makeshift quarantine centers hundreds of kilometers away.

Chena is witnessing the worst outbreak of the disease since Kovid reported. The Omicron variant has been confirmed in 1300 people since April.

Eng­lish summary;Compulsory quar­an­tine in Chi­na for more than 13,000 covid negatives

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