From tomorrow, Tuesday July 9, those students who participated in the Panhellenic 2024 exams will be able to complete and submit their computerized report to the universities and schools of their choice.
Candidates, using their personal security code (password) which they have already received, will be able to visit the electronic address and choose the Computerized Certificate (MD) for admission to Higher Education and/or the Parallel Computing Bulletin (PMD) for admission to Public IEK (now SAEK).
Regarding the Computerized Report (MD) for admission to Higher Education, candidates will be able to study it, edit and save it temporarily and then proceed with their final submission.
While completing the computerized form, candidates will see and be able to see those departments whose average marks are equal to or greater than the Minimum Entry Base (EBA) in each department, including where necessary, and EBE the special course or the practical tests (competitions for TEFAA).
After submitting the computerized application for admission to Higher Education, the candidates may make any modification, within the predetermined date of submission of the MD and with the intervention of the school unit only.
Computer Science 2024: Tips for a successful completion
According to experts, the process of completing the Computer Form is a “critical step” and requires careful thought and planning. Most people’s intention is to make the choice based on interests and overall points. However, this is not enough, as the process should be more complicated.
The first and most important tip for completing the Computer Science Application is for applicants to do extensive research on the schools and programs of study they are interested in.
This research should include the courses, needs and career prospects of each school or department. As the experts note, “this will help them on the one hand to better prepare for the demands of university education and on the other hand to ensure the alignment of their choices with their academic goals.”
Candidates should, however, have a flexible attitude and be open to other study options in order to have a better chance of success.
Engineering 2024: Studies based on interests rather than credits
In addition to the above, candidates should also follow the following steps:
1. Finding time and courage to listen to their inner voice, after the barrage of advice they have heard
2. To study the curriculum of the schools that are most interesting to them, to have objective information, away from bias and stereotypes
3. Being willing to take the risk (calculation) of their own choice. Remember that there is no such thing as a perfect decision and taking personal responsibility is an enviable personality skill.
4. Prioritize their studies according to their interests and not according to the credits. It is important that they like what they are studying.
5. Choose the schools they are most interested in. Applicants often get up and use a school’s admissions base as a criterion for their worth. That is not the case.
Computer Science 2024: General Knowledge
1. Candidates are advised to print and/or save the completed computerized form submitted on their computer. So that they can see their final options at any time.
2. It is recalled that the deadline for the MD and PMD is exclusive. After she is present, no candidate will be able to complete them.
3. For any information, support, even the use of a computer that they do not have, candidates will be able to contact their High Schools. Which will be open on the days with scheduled vigils of each Lyceum. And in addition on two dates to be announced.
4. Finally, the candidates referred to the Repeated National Examinations of September 2024 are reminded to submit a Computerized Report together with their choices. After the Repeat Exams, when will they be able to get a personal security code (password).