Condoms can be reimbursed by health insurance and it is not known enough

by time news

“Get covered! The host Christophe Dechavanne, very committed to the fight against the AIDS virus, has made this slogan, which punctuates the end of each of his programs, his trademark. But it is still necessary to have the means to buy condoms. According to a study carried out by the comparator of health insurance and mutual health insurance Réassurez-moi (from December 12, 2021 and February 17, 2022 based on a questionnaire answered by 2101 people) on the occasion of Sidaction which runs until Sunday March 27, the price is a barrier to the purchase of condoms for 45% of 18-24 year olds. “We sensed that the tariff was an obstacle to use, remarks Delphine Bardou, spokesperson for the comparator. But not in these proportions. »

If a little less than half of the 108 million condoms used each year in France, according to Public Health France, are distributed free of charge in high schools, universities, and other associations, we have to put our hands in the wallet for the others. From a few tens of cents to more than one euro per unit for the biggest brands.

Two brands concerned

However, a system was set up in December 2018 by Health Insurance to be reimbursed for male condoms. Thus, within the framework of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, men and women aged 15 and over can benefit from coverage up to 60% of two brands of condoms: Eden and Sortez Couverts – which do not has nothing to do with Christophe Dechavanne.

To be entitled to it, all you have to do is present a prescription from a doctor or midwife to a pharmacy. The issue is in the form of boxes of 6, 12 or 24 condoms. Also be aware that some mutuals offer reimbursement of the remainder to be paid within the limit of an annual ceiling.

An attractive offer but largely unknown because if we are to believe the results of the Reassure me survey, 71% of 18-24 year olds are not aware of its existence. “The device is not perfect, in particular because the purchase of condoms takes place mainly in supermarkets, points out Delphine Bardou. But it has the merit of existing and there is a duty of information to be done on this subject. “According to Health Insurance, 413,648 boxes were reimbursed in 2020, and 542,893 in 2021, an increase of 31%.

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