conference with the Catholic Institute of Paris

by time news

The End-of-Life Convention convened by Emmanuel Macron in the fall of 2022 will make its “recommendations” next Sunday, April 2, at the end of the 9th and final session of work undertaken by the 184 citizens since December 9.

We already know the main conclusions of the final document to be submitted to the government. To the question posed by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne – “Is the end-of-life support framework adapted to the different situations encountered or should any changes be introduced? » –, a large majority of participants (75.5%) declared themselves in favor of an evolution of the current legislative framework towards an opening to“active assistance in dying”.

But in what form and with what criteria conditioning access? On these points, the opinions of members of the Convention are very divided and it is still difficult to imagine what the new end-of-life “French model” could be tomorrow if politicians decide to propose a bill like the Head of State is hired when he was still a candidate.

Because this complex and sensitive subject, at the meeting of the intimate and the collective, cannot be limited to what a Convention says about it, even a citizen, the Catholic Institute of Paris, in partnership with The crosswanted to meet the eyes on the major issues of the debate duringaconference – face-to-face and remotely – which will be held on Tuesday, March 28, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

This round table will bring together Prisca Thévenot, Renaissance deputy for Hauts-de-Seine; Doctor Alexis Burnod, head of the palliative medicine department at the Institut Curie; Marie-Caroline Arreto, professor of law at the ICP; Véronique Comolet, volunteer companion at the Jeanne-Garnier Medical Center in Paris; Marie-Dominique Trébuchet, lecturer at the Faculty of Theology of the ICP. Five personalities who will discuss the conclusions of the Convention and will broaden to the ethical questions posed by an evolution of the law.

An event open to all on simple registration by clicking HERE.

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