Confindustria, Baroni chooses the team. Here are the nine deputies of the little one

by time news

Out of 40 votes available, 22 in favor (the same as on November 30) 6 against, 10 blank ballots and 2 abstentions

Andrea Bonfanti to Innovation, Mirko Bragagnolo to the Supply Chains, Antonio Braia to human capital, Teresa Caradonna all’Esg, Paolo Errico to Innovation, Pasquale Lampugnale to Economy-Finance-Tax, Mauro Natale to Work-Welfare, Giuseppe Renalli to the Economy of the Sea e Gianluigi Zanaia to internationalization. Are the names, according to can anticipate, gods nine vice presidents from the Small Industry from Confindustria.

After the election on November 30, which surprisingly saw the Emilian prevail Giovanni Baroni, today the Small of Viale dell’Astronomia has in fact voted the team of deputies who will follow the president for the next two years. On 40 votes available, 22 in favor (the same as on November 30) 6 against, 10 blank ballots and 2 abstentions.

the news may not end here: what is rumored in the corridors of theAssociation of the Aquilotto, the director, the Piedmontese Carlotta Baini. The manager would not have convinced the jump from the territorial secretariat (she was the director of the Small of Turin) to the national leadership and someone also accuses him of not having been able to manage the difficult and contested electoral passage. Reason why Baroni is already looking for another profile (it is said that the director would have changed even if the Marchigiano had won Diego Mingarelli).

Another news of the team, the Emilian Monica Talmelli next director de the businessman, the magazine of the Piccola. A woman’s first time.


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