Congratulations and support from Catholic cadres to President Vlavonou

by time news

National Assembly, 9th legislature: Congratulations and support from Catholic cadres to President Vlavonou

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Warm handshake between Abbé Fatoumbi and President Vlavonou

A delegation of the Catholic Movement of Executives and Political Personalities of Benin (MCCPP), diocesan section of Porto-Novo was received in audience by the President of the National Assembly, Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou. It was this Wednesday 1is March 2023 at the Palace of Governors in Porto-Novo. Led by Father Fatoumbi Adédiran Bertin, Diocesan Chaplain of Porto-Novo, the said delegation came to express its warmest congratulations to the second personality of the country for his re-election to this post on the night of Sunday February 12, 2023.

“The President of the National Assembly of Benin is a very active member of the Catholic Movement of Executives and Political Personalities of Benin (MCCPP). After the legislative elections of Sunday January 8, 2023 which made him an elected representative of the 21st electoral district and the elections at the level of the office of the National Assembly of Benin which made it possible to renew him to the post of President of the august Institution , we came to congratulate him in loud voices and to tell him of our satisfaction with these elections. We also told him that we are ready to support him so that his second term as head of the National Assembly of Benin can be a complete success”. This is the statement made to the parliamentary press by Mr. Thomas Houédanou, member of the delegation.

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