Congress refuses to cap rents — idealista/news

by time news

The Plenary of Congress has rejected the bill presented by the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, which modifies Law 29/1994, of November 24, on Urban Leases, which has not gone ahead by 71 votes in favor, 270 against and 4 abstentions. This proposal sought to give regulatory capacity to the autonomous communities so that they could put a ceiling on rental prices in stressed areas.

Specifically, the initiative comes to modify articles 10 and 17 of the urban lease law, in regarding the extension of the contract and giving regulatory capacity to the autonomous governments so that they can put a limit on the rental price in those areas that are stressed.

Specific, with the modification of article 10 that regulates the extension of the contract, this bill established that the lease contracts for rental homes located “in a stressed residential market area” could be extended in an extraordinary way for annual installments for a maximum period of three years, during which the terms and conditions would continue to be applied. the conditions established for the current contract. This extraordinary extension request should be accepted by the lessor, unless other terms or conditions have been established by agreement between the parties.

Regarding the modification of article 17, which establishes that the income will be the one freely stipulated by the parties, the bill sought that the CCAAs could establish regimes of containment or moderation of rents for housing in those areas with a stressed residential market .

This bill came from the Parliament of the Balearic Islandswhere it was promoted by Més per Menorca, and came out ahead thanks to the votes in favor of the PSOE, Unidas Podemos, Més per Mallorca and the Mixed Group.

According to the text of the bill, this rental price limitation regime was proposed with a penalty regime and a system of extrajudicial resolution of conflicts between landlords and tenants.

This law proposal has been seen in the Congress of Deputies at a time when some points of the Housing Law are still being negotiated within the coalition government, such as the limitation of the rental price.

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