Conicet researchers present a nutritional supplement that relieves the symptoms of “Covid long”.

by time news

2024-07-13 02:55:00

The original double product that can help the health of millions of people who still suffer from the consequences of Covid-19 has just been presented for sale. sales in Argentina. And it is an original development not only for its “originality” but for its development.

Its origin is unique, because the active substance of this supplement is obtained from the extraction and purification of substances obtained from unfertilized eggs of a species of sea urchin that lives in southern waters (of the species ). Arbacia Dufresnii). But to this we add that the concept, development and scientific tests that confirm its positive effects in patients diagnosed with “Long Covid” were carried out by a group of researchers from Conicet that, in this process, also They founded the first technology company that worked in Patagonia.

An Argentine startup grows sea urchins to make health products

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“After many years of isolating these materials and processing them, we managed to Test its effects in a group of 50 patients affected by “Covid long”. who are treated in the Santojanni, Ramos Mejía and Muñiz de Caba hospitals,” Rubilar told this newspaper after the presentation ceremony chaired by Conicet, the National Institute of Science and Technology and the the regional authority of Chubut, where the science institute. responsible for the operating system.

Him”Covid is long“is a condition that doctors describe as well symptoms such as fatigue, respiratory, neurological, cognitive, neurological disorders and other forms that affect the quality of life of these patients.

Rubilar, explained that after three months of treatment using this compound, the patients involved in repetition (whose results have already been submitted to a high-profile scientific journal) concrete improvements in their health indicators: “their muscle pain decreased and their dyspnea (breathing problems) improved. Anosmia (total loss of smell) also decreased. They also found something remarkable. advancement of cognitive and neurological symptoms such as attention, memory and executive function. In other measurements, the treated group increased the number of meters in the six-minute “walking test” and tomographic follow-ups of pneumonia improved 5.5 times faster. And, as biomarkers of inflammation are moderated, improvements are also seen in the mood of these people. “In other words,” the researcher summarized, “they have a quick and effective recovery and improve their quality of life“.

They created a plant to grow sea urchins in Puerto Madryn

The product they developed took the form of a dietary supplement and – after meeting all the technical requirements – Anmat approved its use. The issue is not small despite the fact that today, thanks to vaccines, Covid has lost some relevance. But it has been estimated that it leaves results in almost 500,000 Argentines with that diagnosis and, possibly, it can help another 3 million colleagues without a specific diagnosis to recover.

This follows from global health statistics which show that “Long Covid” It occurs in around 10% of people who are infected with the coronavirus. Therefore, it is estimated that there are 65 million people in the world with widespread Covid.

Something that adds originality to the new product is that meets high cultural standards. It is extracted from hedgehogs that live in industrial tanks but the whole process follows strict codes that comply with animal welfare standards and is “finger free“Furthermore, throughout the industrial process, no waste is generated or lost. A solution in which everyone – animals, patients, the environment – wins.

A personal story

According to Daniel Salamone, the current President of Conicet, this project is exemplary because it brings together actors from the private sector committed to a scientific project, with multidisciplinary contributions from scientists, doctors and other professionals. Also the support of regulatory bodies. And together they achieve practical and effective technology transfer.

Products are associated with Seaweed has many health benefits and its properties have been used, and studied, since the 17th century. In this case, Rubilar also added a third original: “In 2012 my son was born with some health problems. He has low levels of white blood cells and allergies to various foods. The treatment given In corticosteroids, long-term use can affect growth use antioxidant substances (polyphenols), Like those produced by hedgehogs, it helps reduce cellular inflammation and regulate the immune system. Not long ago, he was trying that with his family. And the results were unbeatable and part of the proposal that these dates are released to the general public.

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