Connectivity: what are they? Diagnosis, symptoms, treatments. Because it is necessary to plan in advance

by time news

Joint and muscle pains persistent; joint stiffness upon awakening; chronic fatigue; cold fingers which change color becoming white, then sometimes bluish, finally red (Raynaud’s phenomenon) when exposed to sudden changes in temperature. These are alarm bells that should not be underestimated: they can be indicator of rheumatological diseases call series connectwhich affect people too young people, especially women. It’s about systemic pathologies as they can affect several vital organs, such as the heart and lungs. That is why it is fundamental play ahead – as for all rheumatological pathologies (about 150) affecting over 5 million Italians – by promptly contacting the general practitioner, who will evaluate a consultation with a rheumatologist specialist: intervening quickly with the most appropriate treatments means preventing or at least limiting disabling consequences.

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