“consciously”, and not “consciously”

by time news

2023-05-05 11:08:11

The expression conscientiouslyand not consciouslyis the established turn to refer to those actions that are carried out with great care.

However, it is possible to find phrases like “Catalina Cock wove a life consciously”, “When each part of the body is listened to consciously, control and perceptive sense increase” or “Which are the wines made consciously for the current generation ».

He Panhispanic dictionary of doubts remember that awareness y consciousness are not always interchangeable, since the second does not have the moral sense that the first possesses. The voice awareness is the one is part of locutions as have a bad conscience, have conscience o conscientiouslywhich, according to Dictionary of the Spanish language, means ‘with great attention or care’ or ‘intentionally or on purpose’. Instead, it does not appear consciousness in this type of construction.

Therefore, it is recommended to use conscientiously in the previous examples: «Catalina Cock wove a life conscientiously», «When each part of the body is listened conscientiously, control and the perceptive sense increase» and «Which are the wines made conscientiously for the current generation».

See also

conscientiously is not the same as in conscience

conscious e unconsciouscorrect forms

The post “a conscientiously”, and not “a conscientiously” first appeared on FundéuRAE.

#consciously #consciously

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