Consequences of having an absent father. When the parental instinct disappears

by time news

2023-05-16 21:10:03

The challenges of parenting must be a shared responsibility because if you don’t do it, the children have effects on their mental health, so we tell you what are the consequences of having an absent father.

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How does the absence of a father affect a child?

According to an article published in the Latin American Journal of Social Sciences, Childhood and Youththe effects of an absent father in children can generate:

  • Depression
  • stigmatization
  • Soledad
  • Deprotection
  • Culpa
  • Rejection

Among other affectations that occur not only during childhood but can extend to adolescence.

In addition, the consequences of having an absent father they are made more serious by the social and school environment that tends to separate or treat with compassion the children of absent parents, which only increases the insecurity of these children and future adults.

Although it is true that the family does not have numbers to be considered family, it is conflictive for many children to think that their family is broken, incomplete or that they are responsible for their father or mother not being with them, so this it could trigger pictures of childhood depression and anxiety.

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What is it like to be an absent father?

Absent parents are those who, due to personal issues, work, illness, etc., cannot provide sufficient attention or interest in the lives of their children.

It is also known as an absent father to that figure (paternal or maternal) who deliberately leaves the family nucleus and cuts contact with the couple and with the children.

And even if the person tries to continue looking for their children from time to time, seeks not to take responsibility beyond sending a financial contribution (in the best of cases), they are still considered as an absent father because they are not involved in raising the children. .

Giving financial contributions periodically does not imply that the father is present.

Photo: iStock

How to heal the wounds of an absent father?

Las consequences of having an absent father They can deeply affect the physical and emotional health of the children and the couple, however there are some ways in which you can try to heal the wound of abandonment by an absent father.

The first is to work with the guilt that does not belong to you, you can write your thoughts or record them out loud, always trying to speak to yourself from love and compassion. Accept that you must release a burden that is not yours, you were not and are not responsible for your father or mother leaving or not being present.

You can try to forgive from empathy, understand that perhaps your parents did not have the opportunity or mental energy to dedicate time to you, but not because of malice, but because of circumstances. This step depends on each story.

Accept your feelings: You can let yourself be guided by your emotions without trying to rebuke or rationalize them, this will also take many burdens off you.

Write a letter: This option is very good because it allows you to write a letter to your absent father or mother where you express everything they made you feel and you can decide if in the end you burn it or deliver it out of love and not resentment.

If you consider that the wounds from having an absent father or mother are still there, it is best to seek professional attention because they are usually consequences of having an absent father they are hard to spot and hard to forgive.

However, daring to take that leap of forgiveness can transform your life and the way you understand all your relationships. Learning from love and the knowledge that we are human who make mistakes can bring a lot of peace to your life.

If you want to know more about the influence of parents on the behavior of their children, we recommend this video.

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