Constitutional Council: the times when the Elders said “no”

by time news

This Friday, April 14 at the end of the afternoon, the Constitutional Council will decide on the pension reform. The nine Elders were seized by the government and by the opposition, which filed two appeals. They will decide on the conformity of the amending Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) – which contains the reform – as well as on the validity of the popular initiative referendum (RIP). In recent years, they have censored several pieces of legislation.

June 10, 2009. The provision of the Hadopi law giving the possibility to an administrative authority to cut off access to the Internet in the event of illegal downloads is challenged. According to the Hadopi 2 law, only justice can do this.

December 29, 2009. Thunderbolt in full truce of the confectioners: the carbon tax, measure wanted by Nicolas Sarkozy included in the Budget 2010, is censored by the Constitutional Council. In question ? “The exemption regimes”, which, according to the Sages, “were contrary to the objective of combating global warming and created a marked breach of equality before public charges”.

October 24, 2012. The whole of the law on social housing of the Minister of François Hollande, Cécile Duflot, is declared “contrary to the Constitution”. The Council considers that the procedures for discussion and adoption in the Senate were not well respected.

December 29, 2012. End of year celebrations, again. Thunderclap, always. The emblematic promise of François Hollande’s campaign, the 75% tax on the portion of income above 1 million euros, is rejected. Integrated into the 2013 Budget, it disregarded “equality before public charges”, according to the Elders.

May 11, 2020. In the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic, during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, the Constitutional Council validated the law extending the state of health emergency until July 10. But censors elements related to the isolation of patients and the “tracing” of their contacts.

May 20, 2021. The Wise men object to an article of the law on global security, carried by Gérald Darmanin, which planned to punish “the provocation to the identification of the police”.

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