Containment: a study reports more than 170,000 excess deaths in the United States

by time news

A new study published this month reveals that the confinements applied during the Covid-19 crisis contributed to a massive spike in deaths, with a 26% increase in the mortality rate of adults of working age (18 – 64 year).

Excess mortality of 170,000 deaths unrelated to Covid

This study, conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), considered the largest economic research organization in the United States, finds excess mortality of more than 170,000 non-Covid deaths in the United States. States, in 2020 and 2021. A figure which, according to the researchers, would in truth be closer to 200,000 deaths, since 70,000 people who died potentially with the virus, and not because of it, were not taken into account in the calculations.

The researchers write: By compiling our estimates for all causes of death and all age groups, we estimate that 171,000 people died who were not linked to covid until the end of 2021. , and 72,000 the number of people who died with the virus, without the possibility of asserting that it was the cause of death. The Economist has gathered mortality data from different countries around the world and comes up with a similar estimate for the United States (Global Change Data Lab 2022). »

They add : “ While Covid deaths overwhelmingly affect the elderly, the absolute number of non-Covid deaths is similar for each age group (18-44, 45-64 and over 65), with no excess mortality among the children. Mortality from all causes of death during the pandemic increased by 26% for adults of working age (18-64 years), compared to 18% for the elderly. »

See also: Containment, everything you haven’t been told: human, health, economic aberration

Health restrictions responsible for this excess mortality

The NBER researchers point out that “ for the European Union as a whole, the estimated excess mortality is close to 64 non-covid deaths per 100,000 inhabitants “. Figures that contrast with those of Sweden: “ In contrast, the estimate for Sweden is set at -33 [décès par habitant]meaning non-Covid causes of death were low during the pandemic. »

The researchers attribute this contrast to the labeling of Covid deaths, on the one hand, and the differences in health policies implemented in the EU and Sweden, on the other: We suspect that some of the differences internationally are due to the standard used to designate covid as the cause of death. On the other hand, Sweden’s result may also be related to minimizing disruption to the normal lifestyles of its citizens. “, they explain. In other words, by not enforcing lockdowns, Sweden has not experienced an increase in non-Covid death rates.

See also: Masks responsible for more Covid deaths, study finds

Reporting on this new study, an article in the New York Times noted that ” the percentage increase in the death rate from all causes among young adults is greater than that of the death rate from all causes among the elderly ».

Separately, figures released by the World Health Organization last month show that Sweden has had fewer Covid deaths per capita than much of Europe, despite its refusal to impose strict lockdowns and the compulsory wearing of a mask, like many other neighboring countries: “ In 2020 and 2021, the country had an average excess death rate of 56 per 100,000 – compared to 109 in the UK, 111 in Spain, 116 in Germany and 133 in Italy “, reports the Telegraph.

In addition, a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, published in February, concluded that the containment measures have been more harmful than beneficial for society. Its conclusion is clear: little, if any, effect on mortality linked to Covid-19, but a disastrous economic and social cost.

See also: Lockdown measures had no effect on Covid mortality, Hopkins University finds

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