Contaminated restaurants and paralyzed ministries

by time news

2023-07-17 17:31:12

July 17, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk event:

Haider Abbas Al-Taher

Those who follow the work of service ministries in all countries of the world, whether they are developed countries or the so-called third world countries, will find that one of the most important priorities of their work, according to what is stipulated in the regulations and instructions prepared by governments, is to provide the best means of comfort for citizens and according to their specializations that undertake the achievement of the objectives of the ministry, this What the Iraqis have been accustomed to throughout the past periods, even during the period of the unjust American economic blockade at the beginning of the nineties of the last century, which is considered one of the worst periods that Iraq went through in terms of starvation of the people, depletion of the state’s resources, and the world’s refusal to provide it with the most basic necessities of life, including the health aspect, and the situation reached the use of Needle The medical injection more than once and what this practice means of danger to the health of the citizen. Despite all this, the ministries sought with all their energies to avoid collapse, find alternatives, impose control and follow-up on local products, and everything related to the life of the citizen. The lack of financial allocations and the lack of job cadres that left the departments and headed To work in the private sector, despite all of that, it achieved great success in limiting everything that would threaten the life of the citizen and in various fields.

And after the fall of the regime and the opening of Iraq to the world and the removal of the economic blockade and the enrichment of ministries with explosive budgets comparable to the budgets of entire countries, in order to advance the service and health reality, but unfortunately the results were the opposite of what the soul desires. And the spread of corruption, which greatly and significantly affected the health of the citizen. This is what official statistics recorded in terms of frightening numbers of serious diseases and congenital anomalies in births, compared to our regional environment.

The greed of merchants and professionals has contributed to the growth and development of this phenomenon by using expired materials and unknown origins, in addition to unhealthy storage methods.
There is almost no oversight role and strict procedures to hold defaulters accountable.
Once you enter the most prestigious restaurants and see their kitchens, you will find the lack of the simplest hygiene conditions and proper storage methods, in addition to the workers’ lack of professional and health safety conditions, as well as the use of imported meat of unknown origin and validity, as well as the use of meat slaughtered outside the official passage, with the lack of hygiene and the spread of rodents of all kinds, small and small. Big mother, all these abuses have greatly affected the health of the citizen, which requires urgent and rapid intervention to preserve the health of the Iraqi society, since the matter is not without that it falls within the terrorist and destructive schemes for the structure of this people who have placed their trust in the state’s oversight bodies, which are now faltering between the calculations of the quota balance in the distribution positions and between the corruption that extends from its doors to the niches of Your Excellencies.

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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