Contaminated water for a year… Ruling party: “Apologize for the ghost story” Opposition party: “Japan, isn’t disclosing the data?”

by times news cr

The ruling and opposition parties continued to sharply criticize each other as the first anniversary of the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant approaches.

When the Blue House and the People Power Party demanded an apology from the opposition party, calling it a “ghost story” and “incitement politics,” the Democratic Party of Korea raised its voice in criticism, asking, “Are you a spokesperson for Japan?”

On the 23rd, a day before the first anniversary of Japan’s Fukushima contaminated water discharge into the ocean, the Office of the President urged the opposition party to apologize to the public, saying, “It has been revealed that the absurd rumors without scientific basis are false propaganda, but the opposition party, which is the source, is continuing its irresponsible behavior without apologizing to the public.”

Spokesperson for the Presidential Office, Jeong Hye-jeon, is holding a briefing on current issues at the briefing room of the Presidential Office building in Yongsan, Seoul on the 23rd. Spokesperson Jeong said on this day, “For the past year, our government has been fighting against ghost stories,” and “The Yoon Seok-yeol government believed that the only way to overcome ghost stories was through objective and scientific verification.” 2024.8.23 News 1

Spokesperson for the Presidential Office Jeong Hye-jeon held a briefing at the Presidential Office on the same day, claiming, “Although it has been revealed that the absurd rumors without scientific basis are false propaganda, the opposition party, which is the source, is continuing its irresponsible behavior without apologizing to the public.”

Bae Jun-young, the People Power Party’s senior deputy floor leader, also urged the Democratic Party to “apologize to the people who suffered and suffered damage due to the rumors” at the floor leader meeting that day.

The Democratic Party responded by launching an offensive against the government and the ruling party, accusing them of being “traitors to Japan.”

Contaminated water for a year… Ruling party: “Apologize for the ghost story” Opposition party: “Japan, isn’t disclosing the data?”

Kim Min-seok, the Supreme Council member of the Democratic Party of Korea, is speaking at the Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 23rd. 2024.8.23 News 1

Kim Min-seok, the supreme member, said at the supreme member meeting that day, “Representative Han Dong-hoon claimed that there were no safety issues during the year of releasing contaminated water from Fukushima and called for an end to rumor politics,” and asked, “Aren’t you ashamed as the representative of the ruling party in Korea to step forward as a spokesperson for the Japanese government, let alone question the Japanese government, which has not provided data on radiation since October of last year?”

He continued, “Are you determined to regain the president’s trust by speaking on behalf of pro-Japanese traitors?” and asked, “No matter how much this is a government that values ​​Japan’s feelings more than the feelings of its citizens, I expect words and actions befitting a ruling party leader who dreams of differentiation.”

Cho Seung-rae, senior spokesperson for the Democratic Party, said in a written briefing that day, “It will be at least 4-5 years, and even 10 years before the discharged contaminated water reaches our ocean,” and pointed out, “The government has no data to back up its claims other than promotional materials, so on what basis is it denigrating the concerns of the people and the opposition party as ghost stories and false propaganda?”

He then said, “The Japanese government has committed a crime against humanity around the world, and the Yoon Seok-yeol government is an accomplice and accessory to this crime,” and “I sternly warn that the Yoon Seok-yeol government will never be free from responsibility.”

Supreme Council member Kim Byung-joo also joined the ‘anti-Japanese offensive.’ Supreme Council member Kim mentioned the removal of the Dokdo sculpture at the War Memorial of Korea at the Supreme Council meeting and criticized, “Is the Yoon Seok-yeol administration planning to hand over Dokdo to Japan?” and “The true intentions of the ‘crazy’ People Power Party and the Yoon administration, which mentioned an alliance with Japan, which reveals territorial ambitions, are being revealed.”

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-08-23 21:14:16

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