Conte: “We will collect signatures for a popular RAI reform initiative. Renzi? His bluster degrades public ethics”

by time news

On the name of the vertices of the Rai “Problems have emerged method and of merit“, Because the criterion adopted seems to have been that of” accepting the requests of all political forces, including the opposition, with the exception of the party of relative majority which collected 11 million votes “. But “we are not angry because now we will have even more strength to lead our battle: we will collect the companies for a popular initiative, we will involve the citizens ”on the public television reform project. Interviewed a A clean sweep, on La7, Giuseppe Conte raises remembering that the 5 Star Movement has “a reform project that passes fromAgcom, with independent figures who will appoint the directors “, on which it intends to start a collection of signatures.

In the alternative, “we also do well with a foundation model, such as the BBC”, explained the former premier, who attacked the CEO of Viale Mazzini on Wednesday Carlo Fuortes for the choice of the new directors of the Tg in the name of “Political subdivision” and announced that the pentastellated exponents will no longer appear on Rai channels. “Even the board members have complained not to have been involved in the project, so much that they have refused a meeting called after one was presented pre-packaged list“, Conte reconstructed. “Where did it come from? On this I will not enter, I do not know if the appointments have been discussed at Palazzo Chigi. But when I was prime minister there was no table in Chigi on the appointment of directors “. No comment on the words of Matteo Renzi regarding the decision not to go to Rai broadcasts anymore: “His are personalistic exhibitionisms”.

“Renzi? Blustery behaviors degrade public ethics “ – Conte added that he wishes the leader of Italia viva to come out “unscathed” from the judicial affair linked to the investigation Open. But this does not exempt him from “answering the question ethics. We cannot allow a politician with emaciated and arrogant behaviors to degrade public ethics “. The 5 Star Movement has posted on its website 13 questions on the Open case “to guarantee the principles of flood transparency and accountability, which must distinguish the work of all politicians and which are essential for fueling citizens’ trust in institutions and in the political class ”. The lawyer, however, confirmed that he does not want to accept a TV confrontation with the former scrapper: “These are serious issues, not from the show. I don’t want to do a chicken coop in front of the citizens “.

“Italy alive crushed on the center-right, a question to be addressed” – When asked about changes in the restrictive sense to Basic income inserted in the maneuver, Conte replied that the measure was refinanced “by accepting the proposals of the M5S”, “increasing controls” and outlining “clearer rules”. “More than the fact that the government can lean to the right”, he stressed, “one begins to worry me a lot majority which is being defined and which sees a clear synergy between living Italy and the center-right. Also today Italy alive he voted with the right. I don’t know if Iv’s is one maneuver tactics in view of the election to the Quirinale but it is a question that we must face in the light of the sun “.

“On the safety decrees already made self-criticism” – After commenting on the emergency refugees on the border between Poland and Belarus – “Obviously they are for gave the lantern turned on at the border “and not for the blocks on arrival, even if” the solution cannot be some sporadic initiative by Polish peasants “- the former premier recalled that he had already criticized Security decrees of the Conte 1 government, when the M5s was an ally of the League, because “some solutions they weren’t adequate to solve problems “. The decrees “were very articulated. There was certainly a confrontation, a redefinition of some qualifying points with respect to those that were brought to us by the Ministry of the Interior. A compromise was reached that was not the optimum “.

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