“Contempt”, “blaze”, “denial” … oppositions and unions target Emmanuel Macron after his interview on pension reform

by time news

Emmanuel Macron spoke about the pension reform during an interview, broadcast on TF1 and France 2 on Wednesday March 22. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

They denounce in unison an intervention deemed “above ground”, on the eve of a new day of mobilization against the pension reform.

Emmanuel Macron’s speech has in no way appeased the disagreements that persist against the pension reform. On the contrary. Barely finished, the interview with the President of the Republic granted to France 2 and TF1 this Wednesday at 1 p.m. was strongly criticized by his political opponents, as well as union representatives.

These are the “traditional marks of contempt“, thus noted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, during a press briefing granted from Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). The former presidential candidate denounced a living president “outside of all reality“, and criticized his”arrogance». «The crowd is to the people what the cry is to the voice“, he added, while Emmanuel Macron estimated Tuesday evening before the parliamentarians of the majority that “the crowd” did not have “no legitimacy in the face of the people who express themselves through their elected representatives“. Remarks “clarifiedby the Head of State during his interview, specifying that this was aimed at groups using “extreme violence» and not being «more the Republic».

«This president does not understand the French“, also abounded the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, on social networks. According to him, Emmanuel Macron presents the French “like lazy people addicted to public aid», «disqualify unions” or “insults our history by denying legitimacy to popular expression“. And to add, on the eve of a new day of demonstrations:Macron empties the jerrycan onto a brazier he had already lit.” The president of the PS senators, Patrick Kanner, in turn castigated on Public Senate the “arrogance“, the “sufficiency“, the “condescension» and the «irresponsibility” Of the president. “I am flabbergasted by what I heard, appalled thinking of the French people who are going to be penalized by a president who does not understand them.»


“Macron does not understand”

For her part, the secretary general of the Greens said to herself “chilled by President Macron’s demonstration of self-satisfaction“, and denounced remarks “contemptuous and even offensive“, as well as “the emptiness of what he offers“. The Insoumis François Ruffin also joked on BFMTV, acknowledging Emmanuel Macron for having succeeded in “make the union of François Ruffin, (the boss of the CFDT) Laurent Berger, (the deputy Liot) Charles de Courson and Léna Situations– from the name of the influencer who described as “shame» the use of article 49-3. “All these people who agree to say, we do not want this reform.»

«The solutions proposed by the President of the Republic are not up to the political and economic crisis we are experiencing“, also declared the leader of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, in a press release. »The failure of the government is primarily that of the Head of State who failed to convince the French of the need for such a reform“, can we still read. “Emmanuel Macron does not understand“, for his part declared on Twitter the deputy LR Aurélien Pradié, opposed to the reform as presented by the executive. “He does not understand the immense fractures of the Nation. He does not understand that his self-satisfaction is one more provocation. Do not change anything, wait, tweak, it’s playing with fire“, he formulated.

At a press conference, the president of the deputies of the National Rally Marine Le Pen also mentioned the same “feeling of contempt for the people“, and D'”unnecessary hurtful and dangerous provocations». «This afternoon we heard mechanical and dilatory remarks from a man who is increasingly alone, who seems to have lost all contact with reality, all sense of the outside world.added the former presidential candidate. Recalling that the demonstrations are “legal, constitutional and legitimate“, and that they constitute “a form of resistance to governmental vanity».

In unison with the political parties, the social partners also reacted sharply to the declarations of the Head of State. Figurehead of the opposition to the pension reform, the secretary general of the CFDT Laurent Berger did not wait for the end of the interview to unleash a vitriolic tweet. “Denial and lie!”, he wrote, in reaction to Emmanuel Macron’s remarks on the lack of compromise on the part of the unions on pensions. The head of the first trade union in France blames him for “remake history” and of “lie on the CFDT”, in order to “hide his inability to find a majority to vote for his unjust reform».

His CGT counterpart used the same term as Jean-Luc Mélenchon to characterize this intervention: “contempt”. Philippe Martinez described Emmanuel Macron’s remarks as “making fun of“, calling the interview “lunar». “It’s: everything is fine, I’m doing everything well, nothing is happening in the street”he added from the CFE-CGC congress in Tours, before leading the procession of the ninth Parisian demonstration against the reform on Thursday March 23.


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