Contested pension reform, renewable energy and California floods

by time news

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

This is the flagship reform wanted by Emmanuel Macron for his second five-year term. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will unveil this Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. the executive’s choices for the future of the pension system. The file is explosive: the postponement of the legal age of departure indeed announces a strong opposition in the street.

Gathered at the end of the afternoon at the Bourse du travail in Paris, the numbers one of the eight major unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU) should call employees to a first day of demonstrations. In the Assembly, apart from LR, the opposition is also upwind against the future bill. The Nupes thus continues to emphasize the injustice of a reform deemed unnecessary, according to its reading of the forecasts of the Pensions Orientation Council (COR).

How will the left vote on Tuesday on the renewable energy acceleration bill? On this issue, the response is crucial for the government. The National Assembly will vote on the text, a vote which could be close due to the abstention of environmentalists and the hesitation of socialists. If it is a green light, a joint commission will bring together deputies and senators, a priori on January 24, to try to establish a compromise text, with a view to final adoption in February.

An abstention from a part of the left is enough for the presidential camp. But he would have hoped for more momentum around a text which aims to deploy wind and photovoltaic projects more quickly, and which had obtained broad approval from the Senate in early November.

The sky is beating down on California. The storms that have been battering this American state for ten days prompted authorities on Monday to issue an evacuation order in the town of Montecito, where many celebrities live, and where mudslides threaten luxury villas. Up to twenty centimeters of rain were expected.

However, this wealthy enclave is no exception: several regions have indeed experienced near-record rainfall in recent days. The ground is completely saturated with water and the US Weather Service (NWS) has issued flood warnings over large parts of California.

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