“Continue to support us”: between anger and frustration, the Blues are already meeting in 2024

by time news

The blue mines are not at the party at the exit of the Tele 2 Arena in Stockholm. The French hand team is sad: it missed the last step of the podium to be world champion. It is perhaps Vincent Gerard, the goalkeeper of the France team who best sums up the situation: “We have just met the Spaniards on the podium, plague the 2017 world champion. They have the banana because they end the tournament with a victory. We end up better than them and yet we sulk because we spent more than a month together and we end up on this, on a disappointment. That’s the problem with a final: only the winner is happy. »

This winner in the Swedish night is not French: the Blues came up against the Danish power. They gave their all but if we have to recognize one thing, it’s that Denmark did not steal their third consecutive world champion to definitely go down in history in this game.

“I confirm that Denmark had a great match, continues Nedim Remili. But I also confirm that second place is hard to swallow. I don’t want to talk about the game. I just want to express my sadness, a little disgust but above all my pride. I’m proud to have lived this epic with these guys and I can tell you that it’s the best silver medal I’ve won in my career. We are beaten like lions until the end. We fought against winds and tides, especially tides. We have to thank this group which will come back much stronger next year because we always have the slab to win. And if I can only ask one thing, it’s that you continue to support us”.

“I am sad for Niko”

Vincent Gérard continues: “Of course today, we had it bad, notes the future goalkeeper of Kiel. But in a few days, we will measure our performance. We had a great tournament: we beat Poland at home, Sweden at home. We won against Spain and Germany. We were super strong and yes indeed, we can be proud of what we have achieved even if at the time when I speak to you, it is not the feeling that dominates me. »

“Me, I’m sad for Niko, balance Kentin Mahé whose father Pascal had already lost a world final here in 1993. Sad for him because he couldn’t push during the match because of his foot pain . Sad for him because he deserved a better outing in a World Cup. I’m also disgusted for all the guys who haven’t had the good fortune to be world champion yet: Melvin (Richardson), Dylan (Nahi), Elo (Prandi) and all the others. »

Knowing these Blues, sure they will find in this bad Swedish evening the reasons to come back even better and stronger if possible. Guillaume Gille says nothing else: “This group continues to move forward, to grow, there is a form of stability and renewal at the same time, which has led us to play the leading roles in a major competition. This course is a satisfaction even if there is the regret of the last match. We showed our strength of character on all terrains, we will come back even stronger. So much the better: there is no shortage of major deadlines. There are Olympic Games in Paris in a year it seems: “You talk a lot about the Olympics but there is also a Euro next year, corrects Nedim Remili. Of course the Games at home are going to be crazy. But us, what we want first is to get the Euro in Germany. We will always go with the same desire, fangs and even more experience. ” It promises.

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