Continues its course to Mexico; arrives in the Cayman Islands tonight

by times news cr

2024-07-04 13:53:59

He huracán Beryl continues its journey towards Mexico by the eastern Caribbean Sea 3rd of July as category 4; Follow his journey live This Wednesday, the night on which it will arrive in the Cayman Islands.

Civil Protection authorities and the National Meteorological Service (SMN) indicated that at 06:15 am today, July 3, the Hurricane Beryl was located 1,300 kilometers (km) from Cancun, Quintana Roo.

Later, at 12:00 hours, it was reported that Beryl is located 1,125 km east-southeast of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, and 70 km south of Kingston, on the island of Jamaica.

They also reported that the The impact of Hurricane Beryl would occur between the night of Thursday, July 4 and the early morning of Friday, July 5 in Tulum and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, and then move through the Yucatan Peninsula towards Veracruz and Tamaulipas.

Currently, the Hurricane Beryl Category 4 It has sustained winds of 230 km/h, wind gusts of 280 km/h, and is moving west-northwest at 31 kilometers per hour (km/h).

Hurricane Beryl: expected to hit the Cayman Islands tonight, Wednesday, July 3

According to the latest update from the US National Hurricane Center, the storm is expected to Hurricane Beryl will hit the Cayman Islands tonight, Wednesday, July 3.

Los sustained winds of hurricane beryl They are still at 215 kilometers per hour and are located 255 kilometers southeast of Grand Cayman, with a possible movement to the northwest.

Although he also reported that the uncertainty of the intensity and trajectory of Hurricane Beryl in the Gulf of Mexico for the weekend, which is why they are alerting both the country and southern Texas.

“Hurricane Warning #Beryl 22: Category 4 Hurricane Beryl moving away from Jamaica. It is expected to pass just south of the Cayman Islands overnight.”

National Hurricane Center

Hurricane Beryl weakened but remains a Category 4 today, July 3

At 18:00 hoursthe National Meteorological System (SMN) reported that Beryl is slowly weakeninghowever, remains a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

The center of Category 4 Hurricane Beryl is located in the Caribbean Sea, 160 km west of Kingston, Jamaica; 975 km east-southeast of Cancún, Q. Roo and 980 km east of Punta Herrero, Quintana Roo.

The meteor presents maximum sustained winds of 215 km/h, gusts of 265 km/h and moving west-northwest at 31 km/h.

Although the SMN indicated that Hurricane Beryl has not yet affected national coastsa was established prevention zone from Puerto Costa Maya to Cancun, Q. Roo; in addition to the following surveillance zones:

  • from Chetumal to Puerto Costa Maya
  • From Cancun to Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo
  • Tropical storm warning zone from Cancun, Q. Roo, to Progreso, Yucatan
  • tropical storm warning zone from Progreso, Yuc., to Campeche, Camp.

It is expected that from today Thursday, Hurricane Beryl caused Heavy rains, sometimes torrential, strong gusts of wind and high waves in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Location of Hurricane Beryl heading towards Cancun at 12:00 pm on July 3

The National Water Commission (Conagua) Climate informed the 12:00 hours today July 3rd the new location of Hurricane Beryl, which is a few kilometers (km) from Jamaica and is moving towards Cancun.

The latest report indicates that Hurricane Beryl is located at 70 km south of Kingston, Jamaica, island that is already suffering from strong winds and torrential and very heavy rains due to the meteor.

It was also noted that the hurricane is at 1,125 km east-southeast of Cancun, Quintana Rooand moving west-northwest at 30 km/h.

At 12:00 Beryl presented Maximum sustained winds of 225 km/h and wind gusts of 270 kilometers per hourwhich is why prevention zones are maintained in Mexico for:

  • Hurricane effects from Costa Maya Port to Cancun, Quintana Roo
  • Hurricane effects from Chetumal to Puerto Costa Maya
  • Hurricane effects from Cancun to Cabo de Catoche, Quintana Roo
  • Tropical storm effects from Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo, to Campeche, Campeche

Hurricane Beryl will bring heavy rains to the Yucatan Peninsula from July 4

The head of the National Coordination of Civil Protection (CNPC), Laura Velazquez Alzuareported that as of 6 a.m. today, July 3, Category 4 Hurricane Beryl was located in the center of the Caribbean Sea.

The federal official said that it will be during the night of Thursday, July 4 or the early morning of Friday, July 5 that the hurricane will hit Mexico, and that its impact will occur between Tulum and Felipe Carrillo Port.

I emphasize that for the moment the meteor does not represent a risk for the population located in the Yucatan Peninsula, although, Beginning Thursday, July 4, Beryl will bring heavy rain, strong wind gusts and high waves.

“For the moment, there is no risk for the population. Starting on July 4, there will be heavy rain and gusts of wind.”

Laura Velazquez Alzua

The SMN and the National Water Commission (Conagua) Climate indicated that a surveillance zone for the effects of the hurricane is maintained from Cabo Catoche to Chetumal, in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Besides, The population is asked to take extreme precautions in the areas of the states mentioned due to rain, wind and waves, and to follow the recommendations issued by Civil Protection.

Hurricane Beryl will impact Veracruz and Tamaulipas on July 8 and 9

It was also indicated that after passing through the Yucatan Peninsula, the hurricane Beryl will continue its path through the Gulf of Mexico, heading towards Veracruz and Tamaulipas..

The impact on these entities could occur between Sunday night, July 7th and early Monday morning, July 8ththus being his second entry into Mexican territory.

Hurricane Beryl is expected to hit the coasts of Veracruz and Tamaulipas as a Category 1, and then be downgraded to a tropical storm, according to the SMN report today, July 3.

Hurricane Beryl on track to Mexico (especial)

Classes suspended in Quintana Roo due to Hurricane Beryl

Meanwhile, it was announced that the Classes in Quintana Roo are suspended for July 4 and 5following the impact of Hurricane Beryl on the coast of southeastern Mexico.

It should be noted that the entity has 112 temporary shelters to house 20,965 people, in addition to the fact that 8,535 elements of response for the impact of the hurricane.

This is a task force divided between:

  • 2,134 elements of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena)
  • 1,128 elements of the Navy (Semar)
  • 1,676 National Guard agents
  • 1,388 elements of the State Public Security Secretariat
  • 2,209 members of the Federal Electricity Commission

In addition, a command post was installed at the Playa Linda naval station in Cancun, and another will be installed in Tulum, to support local and federal authorities in the face of the impact of the hurricane.

The devastation of Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean Sea

He Category 4 Hurricane Beryl is approaching the southern coast of Jamaica on July 3after passing through the Windward Islands, where it left damage to their infrastructure.

The islands of Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Carriacou and other neighbouring islands were affected by Hurricane Beryl during its passage since July 1.

Photographs show that some of the islands were partially destroyed by Beryl, who destroyed hundreds of houses in its path, caused flooding and damage to the electrical infrastructure.

Hurricane Beryl in Grenada, Grenada and Carriacou Island

Hurricane Beryl in Grenada, Grenada and Carriacou Island (especial)

Hurricane Beryl in Grenada, Grenada and Carriacou Island

Hurricane Beryl in Grenada, Grenada and Carriacou Island (especial)

Apparently, the damage that a Category 4 hurricane can cause in Jamaica They will also be large; it is expected that Beryl made landfall on the island on Wednesday afternoon.

After 08:45 am it was reported that The first bands of rain from Hurricane Beryl have arrived in Jamaicawhich will cause spots of 250 to 300 millimeters (mm).

2024-07-04 13:53:59

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