Continuity Law: Kahana asked to wait, Shaked pressed

by time news

Benzi Robin, Knitted News27.02.22 18:49 26 Adar A. Tishpev

Continuity Law: Kahana asked to wait, Shaked pressed

Photos: Jonathan Zindel / Flash 90

A debate arose today between right-wing ministers in the Ministerial Committee for Legislation regarding the approval of the ‘Continuity Law’, which should allow the use of the semen of a soldier who perished during his service, however the promotion of the law will be subject to halakhic supervision.

The bill was submitted by MK Zvika Hauser (New Hope) and is intended to enable the establishment of descendants of the IDF space and to preserve its continuity through the use of its seed. This is subject to the prior consent of the deceased and subject to the requests of his spouse or parents.

During the discussions of the Ministerial Committee, a fundamental disagreement was revealed about the law, especially in the halakhic aspect, and the Minister of Religions, Matan Kahana, asked to postpone the vote for at least a week in order to approve consultation with rabbis. Srugim learned that ministers also have a future and wanted a postponement, but it was Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked who pushed for the bill to be approved today.

Shaked (Photo: Noam Rivkin Fenton / Flash 90)

For Shaked, this is an issue that is important to her personally and even a promise she made to the bereaved parents, Nitza Shmueli (mother of the late Barel) and Baruch Ben Yigal (father of the late Amit), that she will help advance the legislation.

The late Barel Shmueli (photo from Instagram)

After the decision, it was decided that the law would be promoted, but it was agreed that Minister Kahana would accompany the legislative process, in order to ensure consideration of the halakhic position.

It should be noted that Hauser’s proposal is accompanied by a similar bill by MK Idit Silman (right), which also stipulates that a halakhic committee will be involved in approving the use of the perished person’s semen.

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“We will do it with the required sensitivity”

According to Hauser, the initiator of the law: “It is a moral and ethical duty of a state that sends its best sons to protect its security to allow them to use existing technologies and thus ensure their ability to produce descendants. That is with the necessary sensitivity. “

Hauser (Photo: Noam Rivkin Fenton / Flash 90)

Irit Oren Gonders, chairman of Or for Families (Lt. Col.), who helped promote the initiative, also commented: “After years of hard work, we see the light at the end of the dark tunnel where bereaved parents who have already lost all hope of becoming grandparents are. And grandmother. “,

“We say that it is the right of the families of the fallen to realize the dream and to embrace a grandson from the seed of their son. Parents who sent their sons to military service from him never returned. Thank you to the government ministers for such an important decision.”

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