Contradictory speech of the ANR Chartist summit on bank credit to solve campaign – Politics

by time news

The vice-presidential candidate of the ANR, deputy Pedro Alliana, and the campaign manager, José Alberto Alderete, evidenced the contradictory discourse of the red leadership in relation to the request for a bank loan to finance the campaign. Days ago they announced that they will not resort to banks and now they are contradicting themselves, 21 days after the elections.

“What we least want is to put the Governing Board in debt. It was very difficult for us to pay all the debts of previous administrations. Today, the Colorado Party has money in the box,” he said. Peter AllianaColorado Chartist deputy and former president of the ANR (2015-2022).

These statements were made on March 29 in a parenthesis of the ordinary session of the Lower House.

Alliana also pointed out that previously the ANR paid debts at very high interest and now they seek to avoid this situation. “It’s not a priority to make loans,” she declared. She also reported that at the end of Holy Week, the ANR will deliver the resources for the 768 candidates.

Meanwhile, the ANR campaign manager, Jose Alberto Alderete, said days ago that the party has a “plan b” to obtain resources. He mentioned the money available in cash (officially G. 3,000 million), the issuance of bonds, subsidies and contributions.

However, last Wednesday, Alderete declared at 780 am that the ANR believes “the bank loan is necessary to reinforce aid to our leaders.”

Alderete denied a rejection by the banks, but now says that the amount to be requested is reduced from G. 37,000 million to a maximum of G. 20,000 million.

US sanction to HC

The financial sanction imposed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury prevents the former president and current president of the ANR, Horacio Cartes (HC), previously declared “significantly corrupt” by the US Government. , sign credit requests on behalf of the ANR.

Against this background, on February 22, in a controversial session of the Governing Board of the Colorado Party, the members approved that the party incumbent Horacio Cartes delegate his responsibility for expense management to the party vice-presidents Rodolfo Friedmann (FR) and Juan Carlos Galaverna (HC), to carry out the procedures for the loan of G. 37,000 million.

In FR they asked for HC’s resignation

Twenty-one days before the general elections, the Colorado Party has not yet obtained the announced bank loan of G. 37,000 million to finance the final stretch of the campaign.

Several referents of Fuerza Republicana (FR), such as Senator Lilian Samaniego, Deputy Hugo Ramírez and the candidates for Capital Deputy Daniel Centurión and Mauricio Espínola, among others, said that, if the credits are not approved, the Colorado incumbent Horacio Cartes ( HC) must resign.

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