Contrary to customer requirements: Yoaz Handel cancels the training floor

by time news

Minister Handel has decided to change the policy regarding the mobilization of kosher lines Immediately after the holiday, it will be decided when the cellular decree will be issued “After the decision takes effect – any ultra-Orthodox who wants to mobile their number will be able to do so,” the Handel Office announced | Angry reactions on the ultra-Orthodox street

Handel in a meeting with rabbis and rebbe on the subject of training | Archive photo

Cellular ruling: Minister Yoaz Handel announced that the hearing has ended, and that the decision – which is expected in advance, it must be said – has been made. “After the hearing on the subject and the recommendations of the professional echelon, Minister Handel decided to change the policy regarding the mobilization of kosher lines and the opening of competition. Immediately after the holiday, the minutes of the hearing and the date of execution will be published. “After the decision takes effect, any ultra-Orthodox who wants to mobile his number will be able to do so.” From the exception, boys up to the age of 18 will be restricted.

The undeclared goal, as the ultra-Orthodox public claims, is to enlighten and open new horizons before the main goal set by Handel and his government colleagues: the generation that crosses the age of 18, even before graduation from the yeshiva. Accordingly, they want to lower the age of exemption from the IDF in order to allow young people to open up to the labor market and on the way – God forbid, to fail to deviate from the path. Similarly, from the age of 18, each customer will be able to mobile his number to a non-kosher mobile and the built-in block – along with identification by training floor number (phone prefix and phone number opening, usually first 3 digits) – when exposed to content from the lowest duty without any Supervision.

In the past, the great rabbis and rebbes met with Handel in his office on the subject, but Hela expressed stubbornness already while visiting him and attacked them very sharply.

The rabbis and rebbes in a meeting with Minister Handel Archive photo

The chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, said that “Yoaz Handel is forcing his opinion on a large public that is interested in a training floor when it has no public backing – neither for its party which has no voting public nor for a government that has no Knesset seat. The man is rude and brave and acts like a dictator without a people. Every effort is made to correct this injustice that is at the root of our way of life as believing Jews, and he does all this on the eve of Passover where it is said, “And she who stood for our fathers and for us … and God saves us from them.”

Inner article

MK Uri Maklev reacted sharply to the Minister of Communications’ decision to cancel the Hachshara floor: While his office fails in many areas, entire areas without cellular reception, there is no service to the citizen and the minister does not take care of it but a hero to the ultra-Orthodox public to show so-called doing within cheap populism behind only arrogance and arrogance. With the eradication of chametz, we will also work to eradicate this evil from within us. “

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